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The Poetical Works of Thomas Chatterton

with an essay on the Rowley poems by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat and a memoir by Edward Bell

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Enter Magnus, Hurra, and High Priest, with the Army, near Watchet.
Quick, let the offerings to the Gods begin,
To know of them the issue of the fight.
Put the blood-stainèd sword and pavyes in,
Spread quickly all around the holy light.

High Priest
Ye, who high in murky air
Deal the seasons foul or fair,
Ye, who, when ye were agguylte,
The moon in bloody mantles hylte,
Moved the stars, and did unbind
Every barrier to the wind;


When the surging waves distressed
Strove each to be overest,
Sucking in the spire-girt town,
Swallowing whole nations down,
Sending death, on plagues astrodde,
Moving like the earthès God,
To me send your hest divine,
Light enlighten all mine eyne,
That I may now undevise
All the actions of th'emprise.
[Falls down and rises again.
Thus say the Gods; “go, issue to the plain,
For there shall heaps of mighty men be slain.”