University of Virginia Library


This is a very ancient and numerous family of Virginia. The name is
often found in the old vestry-books. I have not been able to get any
genealogical account of it, but Henning's "Statutes at Large" makes
frequent mention of Major Moore Fantleroy at a very early period, and I
have recently received a document of some interest, dated 1651, in which
he is one of the chief parties, which I shall present to the reader. Major
Fantleroy lived in the Northern Neck, and kept the Indians in that region
in order by his military talents. In the year 1651 he purchased a large tract
of land from one of the tribes, as the following contract shows:—

At a machcomacoi held the 4th of April, 1651, at Rappahannock,—Accopatough,
Wionance, Toskicough, Coharneittary, Pacauta, Mamogueitan,
Opathittara, Cakarell James, Minniaconaugh, Kintassa-hacr.

To all people to whom these presents shall come, both English and
Indians, know ye that I, Accopatough, the right-born and true king of
the Indians of Rappahannock Town and Townes, and of all the land thereto
belonging, do hereby, for and in consideration of ten fathom of peake and
goods, amounting to thirty arms'-length of Rohonoke already in hand
received, and for the love and affection which I the king, and all my men,
do bear unto my loving friend and brother, Moor Fantleroy, who is
likewise now immediately to go with me unto Pasbyhaies unto the governor,
and safely to convey me and my men back again hither unto Rappahannock,
for which and in consideration thereof I do hereby bargain and
sell, give, grant, and confirm, and by this present indenture have bargained,
sold, given, granted, conveyed, and fully confirmed unto the said
Fantleroy, his heirs and assigns forever, a certain p'cell of land situate,
lying, and being in two necks on the north side of Rappahannock Creek,
beginning for breadth at the southernmost branch or creek of Macaughtions
bay or run, and so up along by the side of the said river of Rappahannock,
unto a great creek or river which run—Totosha or Tanks Rappahannock
Town; for length extending easterly with its full breadth unto the
bounds of the Potowmack River at the uttermost bounds of my land. To


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have, hold, and enjoy all and singular the aforesaid lands and waters, with
all and every part and parcel thereof, lying and being as aforesaid, unto
the said Fantleroy, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns forever,
so long as the sun and moon endureth, with all the appurtenances,
rights, liberties, commodities, and profits whatsoever thereunto belonging,
in as full and as ample manner as ever I, the said king, or any of my
predecessors, ever had or could have had, by for me. My heirs and successors
fully assuring the said Fantleroy, his heirs and assigns, forever peaceably
and quietly to enjoy all and every part and parcel of the said land
without any manner of lett, losses, molestations, or disturbance whatsoever
proceeding from me or any Indian or Indians whatsoever, now or
hereafter, may or shall belong unto me or any of my heirs, assigns, or
successors, hereby giving unto my said brother full power, leave, license,
and authority to punish, correct, beat, or kill any Indian or Indians
whatsoever, which shall contrary to the intent of this my act and deed
presume to molest, harm, or offer any manner of harm, wrong, injury, or
violence upon the said land, or any part of it, unto the said Fantleroy, his
heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, or any whomsoever he or they
shall seat, place, or put upon any part or parcel of the abovesaid land
hereby given, and granted, and alienated as aforesaid. In witness whereof,
and to the true and full intent and meaning is hereof, with a full knowledge
and understanding of this present act and deed, I, the said king, in the
presence of my said great men and divers others of my Indians, have
hereunto signed and sealed, the fourth day of April, one thousand six hundred
and fifty-one. Signed, sealed, and possession given by tree and turf,

Accopatough, (seal.)

John Edgecombe,

Alexander Campler,

Natha Batson,

Franc: Marsh.

This eleventh of May, one thousand six hundred and fifty-one, we,
Touweren, the great King of Rappahannock and Moratoerin, do hereby
fully ratify and confirm the above said act and deed unto our loving
brother Fantleroy, his heirs and assigns. Witness our hand and seals the
day above written.

Witnesses:  Touweren,  Machamap 
William Foote,  (SEAL.)  (SEAL.) 
Fran. Marsh, 
Natha Batson 
(A copy)  (Teste.)  Wilson Allen, C. G. C. 

Colonel Fantleroy was probably a man of high and fearless temper. It is
on record that on a certain occasion, when he was a member of the House
of Burgesses, something occurred which greatly displeased him, and led
to such strong denunciation of the Assembly that he was expelled for
insulting its members. On the following morning, however, he was


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The following extract from a communication from Dr. Henry Faunt Le
Roy, of Naylor's Hole, Richmond county, furnished at my request, is
added to what has been said about the Faunt Le Roys.

The family is of French origin. After their increase they became dispersed,
and, from what I can gather, had something to do with the struggles
between the Catholics and Huguenots or French Protestants. Some remained
in their native land, some crossed the Channel, and one came to America
and settled in Virginia at an early period. The last-named, Moore Faunt
Le Roy, purchased from the aborigines a very large tract of land on the
Rappahannock River, above and below the creek of the same name, and
located. How many children he had, I know not. The only written
record which I have is in an old family Bible, in which appears the name
of my great-grandfather, whose name was William. He was born in
1684, was married to Apphia Bushrod, had three sons and seven
daughters, and died in 1757. The sons were William, Moore, and John.
The first-named was my grandfather, and was born in 1713 and died in
1793. The second was born in 1716; death not mentioned. His
children moved from the Northern Neck to King and Queen, where their
descendants now live. The third was born in 1724: when he died is
not mentioned. My grandfather (who was called Colonel William Faunt
Le Roy) was twice married. By the first wife he had one daughter,
(Elizabeth,) who became the wife of Mr. Adams, of James River, after
having refused her hand to General George Washington. By his second
union (with Miss Murdock) he had seven sons and three daughters. One
married Colonel Turner, near Leedstown, another Mr. Carter, of Amherst;
a third died single. The eldest two of the sons (William and Moore)
as was customary in the good old days of the aristocracy, received the
greatest share of attention, and, in accordance with the usages of the
times, were sent to Europe (home, as it was then called) to be educated.
They were medical students at Edinburgh and Aberdeen,—one fourteen
and the other seven years. William died soon after his return. Moore
lived for some time after his return in Tappahannock, Essex county.
On account of bad health, he did not do much professionally. He died
in Charleston, S. C., in 1802, at the house of the Rev. Wm. Wilson Henry.
The youngest son but my father was very chivalrous in character, enlisted
in the Revolutionary army, and became a favourite with the commander-in-chief.
He was killed in the battle of Monmouth, N. J., in June, 1777,
on the anniversary of his natal day, aged twenty-one years. My father
(Robert) was born in 1758, and was married to Sarah Ball, a daughter of
Colonel James Ball, of Lancaster county, and had five children. His life was
marked by a great non-conformity to the world, which made him offensive
to some who did not understand him, but by those who knew him and
his motives he was highly esteemed and duly appreciated. He embraced
religion in 1806, and was a Christian in the Scripture sense of the word.


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He died, peaceful and happy, on the 29th of October, 1832. His last
words were, "I want to die; come, Lord Jesus," and he entered into his
rest. "Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of
that man is peace."

It would seem from the foregoing, and from what may be read in my
notice of Mr. Edward Ambler and his wife, and what Mr. Irving and other
writers have conjectured concerning Miss Grymes, of Middlesex, and perhaps
one other lady in the land, that General Washington in his earlier
days was not a favourite with the ladies. If the family tradition respecting
his repeated rejections be true,—for which I would not vouch,—it may
be accounted for in several ways. He may have been too modest and diffident
a young man to interest the ladies, or he was too poor at that time,
or he had not received a college or university education in England or
Virginia, or, as is most probable, God had reserved him for greater things,
—was training him up in the camp for the defence of his country. An
early marriage might have been injurious to his future usefulness.