University of Virginia Library


Prouençall Rythmes.

When that with thousand parti-coloured flowers
The springtide comes in euerie pleasant mead,
And glorious Titan, free from winters showers,
With golden beames the fields doth ouerspread,
The Shepherds rich, and frollicke in their bowers,
With pipes and songs their flockes to fields do lead:


The nightingall with warbling throte
Doth tug forth many a pleasant note,
that makes the woods to ring:
The fountaines cleere as Christall glasse,
About the which, vpon the grasse
The Nymphes do sit and sing:
But let Eluinia turne her eies from all those sweete delights,
Then doth continuall winter rage with stormy daies and nights.
When that the freezing Northren windes disgrace
The fragrant flowers, the stately trees and tall
Of all their pride, and couereth euery place
With flakes of snow, which neuer cease to fall:
And nightingals their songs leaue for a space,
And desert fieldes, that haue no greene at all:
The daies are yrkesome short, and sad,
The cold nights blow, as they were mad,
With many a bitter blast:
The cloudes as darke as any pitch,
And thicke as lothsome mud in ditch,
The aire do ouercast.
But let Eluinia walke the fields or where it please her best,
There merie springtide doth returne her praises to protest.
If that the angrie heauens sometimes throw downe
A fearfull lightning or some cruell thunder,
The silly Shepherd, far from wood or towne,
Begins to feare, to tremble and to wonder,
And if the hayle fall thicke vpon the ground
Like little stones, do beat and burst asunder
The fruit, and leaues in euerie place,
And spoiles the flowers of their grace,
A strange, and pitious sight:
The Shepherd runs away amaine,
Leauing his sheepe vpon the plaine
With swift and fearfull flight:
But let Eluinia walke the fields her beautie euerie where
Doth cleere the heauens, and rids the Shepherds hart from trembling feare.
And if by chaunce I sing or pipe on hie,
Vnder the shade of Elme or little hill,
The Song thrush and the heauenly Larke replie
Vnto my songs, with sweetest notes at will:
And when the fresh and Western windes in skie
Breath forth an aire, so pleasant and so still:
When euerie ioy, and sweete content,
And euerie day in pleasures spent
Doth giue me new delights,
And free from feare with liuely cheere


In happines I spend the yeere,
The pleasant daies and nights:
But if Eluinia once do frowne, I am much more afraide
Then if a burning lightning had my sences all dismaide.
If that Diana goeth forth to chace
The sauage beastes, with bended bow to tame,
With troups of Nymphes that waite vpon her grace
Whose thoughts chaste sports and exercise do frame:
And with the same with great delight do trace
The woods and lawnes in seeking out some game.
Hamadriades and Napees faire
With strowing Roses, do prepare
The way before their Queene:
The Nymphes that follow sweetly sing,
And hils and dales with triumphes ring,
And woods both fresh and greene:
But if she come vnto the wood, where my Eluinia chaceth
She makes her silent, quailes her pride, and beauties all disgraceth.
And when her bodie whiter then the snow
She washeth in the fountaine christall bright,
If thither Cynthia should but chaunce to goe,
And see those parts so daintie and so white,
For shame she would cast downe her eies I know,
And so depart, confounded at that sight:
For in those fountaine waters cleere
So braue a figure doth appeere,
As like was neuer seene:
So faire a face, such golden haire
With rarest grace are shining there
As like hath neuer beene:
And bold Acteon if he did but see there alone,
Had not beene turn'd into a Hart, but to a Marble stone.
A thousand times my song I will reply thee,
In euerie place where I doe feed my sheepe,
But hence away, for pitie now go hie thee
Vnto my Loue, and tell her how I weepe.
See if thou canst but mooue her hart
To some small pitie of my smart,
And of my little rest:
Go to my faire and fatall star,
Tell her what wounding thoughts do war
Within my painfull brest.
O happie man if that thou mightest this grace of Fortune trie,
To see Eluinia change her minde, or else thy selfe to die.