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Lydgate's Fall of Princes

Edited by Dr. Henry Bergen ... presented to The Early English Text Society by The Carnegie Institution of Washington

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[How Ruffyne chamberleyn with Theodosie vsurped to be Emperour and therfore by honoryus dampned & his heed smet of.]

Hih clymbyng vp haþ ofte an vnwar fall
And specialli whan it is sodeyne,
Fro lowh degre testat imperiall,
Whan fals ambicioun the ladder doth ordeyne,
Be vsurpacioun presumptuousli tatteyne
Aboue the skies with his hed to perse;
Fro whens he cam wer shame to reherse.
I meene as thus; al suich hasti clymbyng
Of them that list nat hemsilf for to knowe
And haue forgete the ground of þer gynnyng,
Be froward fame with worldli wyndis blowe,
To reise ther name boue Sagittaries bowe,—
Record on Ruffyn, which proudli gan desire
Be fals intrusioun to occupie thempire.
The which Ruffyn was whilom chaumbirleyn
With Theodosie, and holde a manli kniht;
Yit in o thyng he was foul ouerseyn,


Be couetise bleendid in his siht
To spende his labour, & hadde no ground of riht.
Be themperour Honorius he was sent
For to gouerne al the orient.
Bi processe Ruffyn was maad vikeer,
Callid aftir vikeer Imperial,
Took upon hym hooli and enteer
Be auctorite, [as] cheef and princepal,
Hymsilf allone to gouernen al,
As most hable; thus he dede deeme,
Beforn all othir to were a diadeeme;
Of hymsilff so moche he ded[e] make,
In port and cheere [the] most ambicious.
At Constantynople vnwarli he was take,
First bounde in cheynys and aftir seruid thus:
Be trewe iugement of Honorivs,
His hed smet of and his riht hand in deede;
This was his eende; of hym no mor I reede.