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Matthew Prior. Dialogues of the Dead and Other Works

in Prose and Verse. The Text Edited by A. R. Waller

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To My Lady Exeter, on New Years day.
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To My Lady Exeter, on New Years day.

Her Birth-Day.


Great God of Time, whose early care
Ordain'd the first-born of the Year
To wait the gentle Anna's birth
O stil that happy Care employ
And stil let all her Minutes fly
All wing'd with Peace, & crown'd with Myrtle.
With softest Slumbers bless her Nights
And wake her still to new Delights
Bless all her Days and bid the Year
To show'r its blessings all on Her.


If Autumn blasts or Winter Storms
O turn on us the threaten'd harms.
From all that ill her beauties guard
For her let Spring diffuse its flowers
And Harvest spread its richer Stores
With all thats good her cares reward.
O let delight and Plenty spread
Their blooming Sweets around her Head
O let the Seasons all desire
To Shower their Blessings all on Her.


In the dear Lord of her Desires
Bless her, for all his Joys are hers:
Bless him Secure from noise and harms
And O when Love appoints the Day
Enrich it with thy Noblest ray
And bring him safe[ly] to her Arms
O let her all those Blessings know
That Men can ask or Gods bestow
Let Love and Heav'n and Earth conspire
To Shower their Blessings all on her.