University of Virginia Library


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1. The Faculty Committee on Athletics is intrusted with the general
oversight of field and track athletics, and is authorized to forbid any features
in these exercises which endanger the health and morals of the participants.

2. No student will be permitted to play upon the University football and
baseball teams except after physical examination by the Director of the
Gymnasium, and with his approbation.

3. No student under twenty-one years old will be permitted to play with
either team in games away from the University, either as a regular member
of the team or as a substitute, except upon written permission from his parent
or guardian, addressed to the President of the University.

4. Only students who act as regular or substitute members of the athletic
teams will be permitted to accompany them on trips away from the University,
except during vacations and holidays.

5. Special monthly reports will be made to the President with respect
to Class standing and progress in study of each player on the athletic teams
during the football and baseball seasons, whether such player be a regular
or substitute member of either team, or an applicant for either position.

6. Any member of an athletic team who is reported for neglect of his
studies or non-attendance on lectures may be required by the President to
sever his connection with such team.

7. The athletic teams shall not have contests elsewhere than upon the
University grounds with any except teams from other institutions of learning.

8. Experts for purposes of instruction and professional teams for purposes
of practice may be employed on the University grounds, but only with
written permission from the President of the University.

9. Before any student can become a member or a substitute member of
any athletic team in the University, and take part in any intercollegiate
contest, he must make application in a prescribed form in writing to the
Committee on Athletics in the University and secure the endorsed approval of
that Committee to his application. It shall be the duty of the Athletic
Committee to have the executive officers of the University endorse such application
to the effect that the applicant is an unconditionally registered student
of the University.

10. It shall be the duty of the Athletic Committee to enquire into and
make a record of the athletic experiences of the applicant, and it shall be the
duty of the applicant to appear before the Committee and answer on his
honor such questions as the Committee may see fit to ask.

11. It shall be the duty of the Athletic Committee to require a pledge
in writing of the applicant certifying on his honor that he has never accepted
directly or indirectly remuneration, compensatory gift, valuable consideration,
or promise thereof, for his athletic services, and that he is in the proper and
strict sense of the word an amateur player in collegiate athletic sports, before the
Committee endorses his application.

12. No student of this University who has been a member or substitute
member of any athletic team at another college or university, shall be permitted
to become a member of such athletic team at this University, unless
and until he shall have been a student at this University for at least five

The "five months previous residence rule" shall also apply to all students
who enter the University without entrance certificate or examination.


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13. No person whose name is in the faculty list or appears in the catalogue
list of officers of instruction and administration of the University, and
who receives a remuneration therefrom, shall be a member of any athletic
team representing the University.

14. It shall be the duty of the President of the Athletic Association,
the Advisory Board of that Association, the Manager of the team, the Captain
of the team, the Director of the gymnasium and the Treasurer of the Association
to furnish, on request, a statement to the effect that each member of
an athletic team is above their suspicion as to his eligibility to represent the
University as a proper amateur player, before such player shall be allowed to
take part in a contest.

15. Whereas, a member of an athletic team of this University is a representative
student and enjoys special honor in thus representing the University,
this privilege shall be withheld from any student whose scholastic standing
is discreditable.

16. After September 15th, 1907, no "coach" or "trainer" not an alumnus
or officer of the University shall be employed for the purpose of instructing
or training any athletic team in this University.

17. That the Faculty Committee on Athletics should be authorized and
instructed to establish a maximum period after which a player in any branch
of athletic sport shall be ineligible to play on the corresponding team of this

18. The members of any athletic team may be allowed not more than
eight days leave of absence from the University for the purpose of engaging
in athletic contests; but no student who is a member of more than one athletic
team shall be allowed more than sixteen days leave of absence during the
entire session.

The College Topics is a weekly newspaper, published under the
auspices of the General Athletic Association. devoted to the interests of
Athletics and the University at large.

Editor-in-Chief for 1906-1907.

William Fitzhugh Carter, Jr.