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Diana of George of Montemayor

Translated out of Spanish into English by Bartholomew Yong

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A Riddle.

[Tell me (good Sirs) what Bird is that that flies]

Tell me (good Sirs) what Bird is that that flies
Three cubits high, and yet doth neuer rise,
With more then thirtie feete that mount and fall,
With wings that haue no plume nor pens at all:
Beating the aire it neither eates, nor drinks,
It neither cries, nor sings, nor speakes, nor thinks.
Approching neere vnto her cruell death,
She wounds, and kils vs with the stones she throwes:
A friend to those that spend their deerest breath
In spoiles, and thefts, in mortall wounds and blowes:
Wherein she takes her pleasure and her fill,
Hiding the men in waues that she doth kill.