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Horace in Homespun by Hugh Haliburton [i.e. J. L. Robertson]

A New Edition with Illustrations by A. S. Boyd

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Hughie Consoles and Counsels young Nannie in the Absence of Davie.
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Hughie Consoles and Counsels young Nannie in the Absence of Davie.

“Prima nocte domum claude, neque in vias
Sub cantu querulæ despice tibiæ.”
Car. iii. 7.

O dry that tear that trickles doun
For Davie owre the sea;
The fates 'ill keep him safe an' soun',
An' that for sake o' thee.
What pleasure wad it gie the fates
To vex a heart like thine
Whas' only wish on Davie waits,
Whas' hopes roun' Davie twine.
An' dinna wrang his faithfu' heart
By dootin' if he's true;
Sweet Nannie! far owre fair thou art
For him to brak' his voo.


Sweet Nannie! there's nae fairer face,
Nor mair bewitchin' ee,
In ony frem'd or foreign place
For Davie's een to see!
To thee he turns, for thee he toils,
O' thee lies doun to dream,
Or wauks the nicht to coont the miles
Between him an' his hame.
O dinna doot that Nannie's charms
'Ill draw him owre the main
To Nannie's fond an' faithful arms
An' Devon's banks again.
But, Nannie, hearken in your ear—
It's kent to ane or twa
That hielant Donal' wad draw near
Noo Davie's far awa.
An' sweetly soonds his pipe, it's true,
When gloamin' gaithers dim—
'Faith! Dave has mair to fear fra you
Than you've to fear fra him!