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A Collection of Several Poems and Verses

Composed upon Various Occasions. By Mr. William Cleland

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Well , all most stoop to death, none dare gainsay
If it command, of force we must obey:
Life, honour, Riches, Glory of our State,
Lyes at the all disposing Will of Fate:
If't were not so, why then by sad loud thunder
And sulph'rous crashes, which rends the skies asunder
Must a brave Cleland by sad destiny.
Cull'd out a Victime, for his Country die.
Lo, here's a Divine Hand, we find in all,
Eternal VVisdom had decreed his fall.
Let all lament it, while loud fame reports
And sounds his praise in Country, Cities, Courts
No old forgetful Age shal end his story.
Death cut his days, but could not stain his glory