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  • 1. What was the early history of Captain John Smith?

  • 2. Give an account of the visit of Smith and Newport to Powhatan.

  • 3. How did Powhatan regard his guests?

  • 4. What calamity befell the Jamestown colony?

  • 5. Why did the savages give them provisions?

  • 6. From what source did the settlers obtain abundant supplies?

  • 7. What was the supposed breadth of North America?

  • 8. Describe the capture of John Smith.

  • 9. Give an account of his rescue.

  • 10. Upon his return to Jamestown, in what condition did he find the

  • 11. Why were the first rulers deposed, and who was finally elected

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  • 12. Who were the first English women that emigrated to the colony?

  • 13. What had Newport promised to do?

  • 14. Give an account of the crowning of Powhatan.

  • 15. When Argall came to Virginia, in 1609, what news did he bring
    from England?

  • 16. What changes had been made in the government of the colony?

  • 17. What officers had been appointed?

  • 18. Why did John Smith remain at the head of affairs?

  • 19. What new settlements did he make?

  • 20. Why did Smith leave Virginia?

  • 21. Give an estimate of his character.