University of Virginia Library


Questioned by Mr. Scott and then by members of the Board, Mr. Talman said that Mr. Archer
refused at first to go and see Mr. Fletcher "for fear he'd be the scapegoat."

Further questioning brought out, among other facts, the following

Question: How did Mr. Fletcher react when you told him Archer was afraid to come? Talman: He
said Archer would not have to "bear the burden for anyone else."

Question: Did you all think that as householders for Rooms 12-14 you might have to bear the
whole blame? Talman: Mr. Fletcher "brought that into the picture."

Question: Did you report to the others President Darden's attitude that punishments would
be forthcoming? Talman: I think I told them in general

Question: If this affair had been handled by Student Council instead of by the President
and Mr. Fletcher, would it then have been a matter for discipline and punishment?

Talman: Yes, Sir

Mr. Talman then retired