University of Virginia Library


Guided by questions from Mr. Denny, Mr. Preston Harrison gave an account of the events of
April 4th and of subsequent conferences with other participants and with Mr. Fletcher whom he
described as a friend and counsellor ("like a father to me") both before and after April 4th,
even expressing personal regret upon delivering the letter of dismissal

Questioned by the Rector, Mr. Harrison denied knowing that Mr. Fletcher was the University's
disciplinary officer, but he readily admitted, under further questioning, that he had previously
had conferences with Mr. Fletcher regarding disciplinary matters and the Student Council, also
that more recently Mr. Fletcher had on one occasion overruled the Student Council.

Mr. William R. Walker, Jr. then testified at length in his own defense on the events of
April 4th and the conferences with Mr. Fletcher, the first of which had been preceded by an
agreement among five of the participants as to their manner of testifying to Mr. Fletcher