University of Virginia Library


The School aims to give thorough training in the fundamental principles underlying
business. While this necessitates a knowledge of facts and methods, it is not
the primary purpose to concentrate on those details of business which are necessarily
mastered after a man enters a given field of business and are more readily
grasped as a result of such training. The definite object is to prepare the student
for those lines of business activity requiring the exercise of intelligence and an
appreciation of economic forces—in other words, to train the student in the kind of
work which will fit him for positions of responsibility.

While the successful executive must usually serve an apprenticeship of several
years, during which he gains an intimate knowledge of the details and technical
requirements of business administration, his course of promotion is more rapid
and better assured if he has first grasped some of the scientific principles which
apply in all business procedure. It is now recognized that a college trained man,
who has made a rigorous study of the controlling factors in the organization of
commerce and business, has a great advantage over the man who must obtain this
knowledge over a long period by a process of trial and error. It is the aim also
to foster the development of the professional point of view and a high standard of
business conduct. In keeping with the ideals of other Schools and Departments
of the University, the student will be given every encouragement to achieve a high
position in business leadership and public service.