Documentary History of the Construction of the Buildings at the University
of Virginia, 1817-1828 | ||
Appendix E
Proposed Design Changes
John Hartwell Cocke to Thomas Jefferson
Conversations with Mr. Brockenbrough and other practical Mechanicks: together with
estimates made by Mr. B. & myself have induced me to suggest some changes in the Hotels
& Dormitories designed to be connected with them, which are about to be erected at the
University. In the Dormitories upon the upper level, connecting the Pavilions, I wou'd
propose no change. [832] The beauty & convenience of this part of the plan more than
counterbalances some objections which present themselves to my mind. Indeed here, it does
not appear to me, that any change cou'd be made for the better unless the low pitched roofs
concealed by a railing (upon the plan I once suggested) shou'd be found to be better & more
œconomical coverings & to render the rooms more comfortable by keeping the Sun at a
greater distance from the ceilings.
Perhaps upon examination of the inclosed scheme (if I succeed in making you comprehend
my imperfect sketch) you may deem it worthy of consideration, how far its cheapness, the
more retired situation of the Students apartments, and being less exposes to the influence of
the Sun, may recommend it for adoption--notwithstanding the sacrifice it demands in
Architectural beauty.[833]
You will perceive by the graduated paper upon which the plan is laid down that the area of
the building proposed is 56 by 36 feet--and that the divisions of the first floor are the same
proposed in your plan for Hotel No. 1--with the exception of the passage between the two
small rooms. This is a necessary change to embrace all the objects designd to be
comprehend'd I shoud propose that this building present its gable toward the pavilions and
that the Door represented thereon be its principal entrance--& into a large Street running
parallel with the back inclosures of the professors gardens. By this arrangement & making
the kitchen under the opposite end of the House, the natural fall in the land, (intended to be
represented by the diagonal line on the basement story of the side view) will releave this
apartment from the evil of being under ground and place the kitchen floor upon a level with
the back yard. And woud not the gardens as now designed to be divided between the Hotels
& Pavilions be too small--at any rate for the purposes of the former? To obviate this, upon
the plan here proposed, we might give extensive gardens to the Hotels adjoining their
kitchen yards & running back from the street on which they front. Shou'd this leave the
Professors gardens too long we may curtail them & move up the Hotels nearer to the line of
Pavilions--as smaller gardens will certainly do for the professors than will be required for
the Hotels.
This plan gives sixteen rooms for Students besides those designed for the keeper of the
Hotel & the large public room. The Students rooms will be about 12 ft. by 14. ft. 6 in. a fire
place in each, 8 in the 2d Story 9 ft. pitch & 8 in the Attic 8 ft pitch. It is presumed that these
rooms will be much more private from being in upper stories than the Dormitories opening
as they do into the public walk, & that they will be more cool and comfortable in
Summer--The comparative cost of the two plans will be seen by calculating the expence of
the Single building at 239,700 bricks and the Dormitory plan to afford the same number of
Rooms at 389,100
Your greater facility & accuracy in such calculations will readily detect any error in which I
may have fallen in making the estimates of the number of bricks required, in the respective
plans--I therefore add the following data upon which I have gone. The ground plan of the
Single building as stated above 56 ft. by 36--Cellar story,* if of brick 2½ thick & 10 ft. high
including foundation & depth of joist.
First Story 2. bricks thick 12 ft. high including depth of joists leaving 11 ft.
between floor & ceiling
Second Story including Attic 16 ft. high 1½ thick
2 gable parapets rising to the ridge of the roof which at 2/9's of the span
will be 8 ft. 1½--
1 Basemt. partition wall 2½ thick--First Story Do. 2. brick Second Story
& Attic Do. 1½.
4 Chimney breasts & Shafts containing 36,640.
The dimensions of the Hotel No. 1. I have put down from Memory & also the dimensions of
the Dormitories, it is therefore highly probable I have misstated some of them.
the ground plan of Hotel No. 1--50. by 34. Cellar Story 10 ft. high 2½ bricks thick. First
Floor 18 ft. high 2 bricks thick--Basement partition walls 2 bricks--First Floor Do. 1½
3 Chimney hearts 16,650 Arcade 15,000--
Dormitories 14 ft. sqr. in the clear
Upper Walls
Chimney hearts
2 brick
The Dormitory dimensions, adding 168 bricks for Chimney Shaft, give 13,500 for each. In all these calculations I
have made no allowance for openings excepted in the Arcade of Hotel No. 1. but the openings being nearly the
same in each plan wou'd not materially vary the comparative result.
By adopting the Single building we get over the difficulty of flat roofs. I find it to be the
universal opinion of all the mechanicks to whom I have mentioned the subject (and in this
opinion Mr. Brockenbrough fully accords) that the most durable timber we have will last but
a few years in any situation where it is liable to be wet & dry alternately.--but especially
when the timber is in huge peices & is placed in a horizontal position. The best heart pine
Shingling will last about 30 years. But this may be accounts for from the small size of each
peice--the nature of Shingling admitting the access of air & Sun to a surface which bears so
large a proportion to the whole mass of each peice--And the angle which it makes with the
horizontal lan throwing off the water quickly from its surface--These causes all combining
to dry it rapidly after rain.--As to shingle roofs, it is a maxim confirmed by all experience
that the higher the pitch the more lasting the Covering--This is manifestly the effect of less
water being absorped, from its going off more rapidly--and seems to show; that as timber
approaches a horizontal position, where it is exposed to be wit & dry its liability to decay
increases. I think you informed me your experiment had as yet stood the test of but 7
years--Will it not be hazarding too much to adopt it upon so large a scale as is proposed in
the Dormitories now to be built? And if any other mode of flat covering be adopted, the
result of a comparative estimate with the plan here offer'd, must be still more against it upon
the score of œconomy. I am aware, that the elevation of the plan now suggested, the
appearance of the Chimneys and the roof will be offensive to your cultivated taste but
perhaps you may think of some stile of finishing with parapet walls at the ends &
balustrades between the Chimneys (as are awkwardly represented in the sketch) that will so
far cover its deformity as to render it admissible upon the score of œconomy & comfort.
I am induced to write upon this subject knowing that Mr. Brockenbrough will be with you
this week and being now very unwell--which makes it quite uncertain whether it will be in
my power to be up at the Circuit Court, as I intended.
I have also to inform you, that the difficulties which seem to stand in the way of carrying the
design of Genl. Koscioscos will into execution--in the first place from the scarcity of
Schools about me & 2dly. from the prejudices to be encountered in obtaining admission for
negroes--to say nothing of the effect which might be produced on the minds of my own
people--must induce me to decline the undertaking. I presume the terms of the Will give you
no discretion that wou'd admit of your directing the fund to the accomplishment of the
object in the way set forth in the inclosed paper. I send you the paper, as I shou'd be glad to
know your opinion as to the practicality of the scheme of the Colonization Society--I
suppose you are in possession of the late information collated by Messrs. Mills & Burgess
on the Coast of Africa with a view to this object.--I am Sir Yours respectfully
J.H. Cocke
*If this part of the design is executed in Masonry--Walls 2 ft. 6 & less wou'd hardly do--at
$3.50 pr perch which is as low as we shall get it, it will cost only 6$ less than brick.
ALS, 4p, ViU:TJ [1690], with TJ docket "Cocke John H. Bremo May 3. 19. recd May 9."
and docket "J. H. Cocke to T.J. 3 May 19."; ADft, dated 2 May, ViU:JHC.
832. By "upper level" Cocke means the Lawn, as contrasted to the eastern and western
ranges. See the Board of Visitors Minutes, 29 November 1821.
833. Cocke's sketches, which have not been identified, is #19-11 in Lasala, "Thomas
Jefferson's Designs for the University of Virginia." ASB requested it from TJ on 7 June
along with TJ's study of Hotel A, also missing (see #11-01 in Lasala). Nichols suggests that
four drawings of dormitories in ViU:TJ by an unidentified draftsman might be the plans
mentioned here by Cocke (see Nichols, Thomas Jefferson's Architectural Drawings, nos.
374, 375, 376, and 377). Lasala includes those drawings in his thesis, but does not attribute
them to Cocke (see #19-08, #19-09, #19-10, and #19-12 in Lasala).
Thomas Jefferson to James Breckenridge,
Robert B. Taylor, James Madison, & Chapman Johnson
Proposing within a few days to set out for Bedford, I think it a duty previously to state to
you the progress and prospect of things at the University. You may perhaps remember that
almost in the moment of our separation at the last meeting one of our colleagues proposed a
change of a part of the plan of the grounds,[834] so as to place the gardens of the Professors
adjacent to the rear of their pavilions. the first aspect of the proposition presented to me a
difficulty, which I then thought insuperable to wit, that of the approach of carriages,
wood-carts Etc. to the back of the buildings. mr Cabell's desire however appeared so strong,
and the object of it so proper, that, after separation, I undertook to examine & try whether it
could not be accomplished; and was happy to find it practicable, by a change which was
approved by Genl. Cocke, and since by mr Cabell who has been lately with me.[835] I think
it a real improvement, and the greater, as by throwing the Hotels and additional dormitories
on a back street, it forms in fact the commencement of a regular town, capable of being
enlarged to any extent which future circumstances may call for.
My colleague of the Committee of superintendance proposed another change, to wit, that the
Hotels and dormitories should be united in massive buildings of 2. or 3. stories high, on the
back street. had my judgment concurred in this alteration, I should not have thought
ourselves competent to it, as a committee of superintendance. the separation of the students
in different and unconnected rooms, by two's and two's, seems a fundamental of the plan. it
was adopted by the first visitors of the Central college, stated by them in their original report
to the Governor as their patron, and by him laid before the legislature; it was approved and
reported by the Commissioners of Rockfish gap to the legislature; of their opinion indeed we
have no other evidence than their acting on it without directing a change. not thinking
therefore that the committee was competent to this change, I concurred in suspending the
building of any Hotel until the visitors should have an opportunity of considering the
subject, and, instead of building one or two Hotels, as they had directed, we concluded to
begin the Eastern range of pavilions, all agreeing that the ranges on each side of the lawn
should be finished as begun. we thought too that the Visitors would not disapprove of this
departure from their instructions, as these pavilions can be used for Hotels until wanting for
the Professors.
We have adopted another measure however, without their sanction, because it is in fact a
fuller execution of the principles expressed and acted on at their meeting: and we are
confident they would have adopted it had it then occurred. their idea was to push the
buildings to the extent of all the funds we could command. altho' we had recieved the
opinion of the Treasurer and literary board that we might command at any moment the
whole donation for this year, yet it seems not to have occurred to any of us at the time, that
we might do the same the next year, and consequently draw it's 15,000. D. on the 1st. day of
January next. the thought occurring afterwards, we have not hesitated to act on it; & we are
proceeding to have 3. pavilions erected on the Eastern range, with their appurtenant
dormitories, in addition to the 4. built, or to be built on the Western range; so that we may
have 7. pavilions, with their dormitories, in progress this year, to be finished the next.
Our principle being to employ the whole of our funds on the buildings, I thought it so
important to be preparing subjects for the University, by the time that should open, that I
invited a mr Stack, a teacher of Latin & Greek of high recommendations, to come and set up
a school in Charlottesville on his own account. he has done so, and answers my best
expectations, by a style of instruction, critical and solid, beyond any example I have ever
known in this state, or indeed in the US. he recieved his education at Trinity college, Dublin,
& appears to be a correct, modest and estimable man. he teaches French also: and to give an
opportunity to the students of acquiring the habit of speaking that language, we have got
Laporte and his family from the Calfpasture to establish a boarding house where, nothing
but French being permitted to be spoken, his boarders begin already to ask for all their
wants in that language, and to learn the ordinary phrases of familiar conversation. Mr. Stack
has as yet but 14. or 15. pupils and Laporte 9. boarders; but as soon as the present sessions
in the schools of the state generally are ended and the youths liberated from their present
engagements, we have reason to believe more will be offered than can be recieved; and in
this way I think we may have from 50. to 100. subjects fully prepared to attend the scientific
professors the moment the University opens. I have recieved from London the offer of a
Professor of modern languages, of qualifications literary and moral, so high as to merit our
suffrage, if we can get over the difficulty that, French being the most important of the
modern languages, mr Blatterman is not a native of France. mr Ticknor declines coming to
us, I shall again try mr Bowditch, with some additional, but with not much final hope. we
have the offer of a botanist of distinguished science, a mr Nuttal, but whether a native or not
is not said. Dr. Cooper, his wife and family have certainly, and strongly set their minds
towards us. the minerals of his collection have been selected, valued and packed to come on
at the time prescribed.[836]
I had begun to despair of our two Italian sculptors, and enquired therefore of a mr Cardelli
from Washington whether such as could carve an Ionic or Corinthian capitel could be had
from that place. he informed me that they could, at 3. D. a day. luckily the two Italians
arrived some days ago after a sea-passage of 90. days. they will cost us, passage and board
included, about 2. D. a day, and are men of quite superior character. I was just setting off for
Bedford to stay there 2. months; but have deferred my departure till mr Brockenbrough can
arrive here, in order to see them fixed and put under way, that the stone might be quarried,
and roughed out for them, so that they should be employed on difficult work only.[837]
Our works have gone on miserably slow. not a brick is yet laid. they are now however
prepared to begin laying the Western pavilion No. 1. our advertisement for workmen could
not be put into the papers until after the meeting of the visitors at the close of March. the
offers from the Undertakers of our own state were from 25. to 40. p.c. on the Philadelphia
printed prices. we at length got an offer from Philadelphia at 15. p.c. below the printed
prices, & learnt the fact that when work abounds there the workmen are able to raise prices
10. or 15. p.c. above these, and when work is scarce the employers are able to beat them
down to 10. or 15. below the printed prices; which however, if continued, soon breaks them.
we did not think it either our duty or interest to break our workmen, and considering the
printed as the fair living prices, we agreed to give them. an undertaker came on to see the
extent of the work we had to do. this brought our own people down to the same prices; so
we assigned to them the completion of the Western range, and to the Philadelphians the
Eastern.[838] these, 20 in number arrived at Richmond some days ago and are expected here
this day. we shall now have about 100. hands at work.[839] I am in hopes the convenience of
talking over, and settling our business here at our leisure, will be an inducement to you to
make this your head quarters at our next meeting in addition to the gratification it will be to
me to have you here, and I salute you with great friendship & respect.
Th: Jefferson
our quarry yesterday and pronounce it impossible to make of it an Ionic or Corinthian
capitel, and they can work only in these ornamental parts, & not at all in plain work. I never
was so nonplussed. they have cost us a great deal of money, & how to avoid it's becoming a
loss, & how to get our work done, is the difficulty. I shall consult with mr Brockenbrough on
it to-day, & depart tomorrow.
2d. P.S. I left the Italians making trial whether our stone would stand the cutting the leaves
of a Corinthian capitel. if it does not, they will go to work on the Ionic capitels for which it
will answer, and we must get stone elsewhere for the Corinthian, of which order we have
only 2. pavilions of 4. columns each, 4 pavilions Ionic, and 4 Doric. the Philadelphians had
arrived at the University & had set to work.
ALS, addressed to James Breckenridge, ViU:TJ, 4p [1715]; ALS, addressed to James
Madison, DLC:JM; polygraph copy, addressed to Breckenridge, Robert B. Taylor, and
Champman Johnson, DLC:TJ; polygraph copy, addressed to Madison, DLC:TJ; printed
(extract), O'Neal, "Michele and Giacomo Raggi at the University of Virginia," Magazine of
Albemarle County History, 18:16-17; transcript (extract), #00-15 in Lasala, "Thomas
Jefferson's Designs for the University of Virginia." The word in angle brackets is mutilated
on the ALS addressed to Breckenridge, but clear on the polygraph copy addressed to Taylor,
Breckenridge, and Johnson. On that copy the second postscript was inserted within square
brackets by TJ after the copy was finished with the notation "P.S. added to Genl.
Breckenridge only." The second polygraph copy does not contain either postcript. See the
notes below for other major variations between the texts.
834. The previous meeting of the Board of Visitors ended on 29 March (see Board of
Visitors Minutes, 29 March 1819, ViU:TJ).
835. For a discussion of the effects on TJ's architectural drawings by his adaptation of
Cabell's suggestion, see Lasala's descriptions of #00-13, #00-14, #00-15, and #00-16 in
"Thomas Jefferson's Designs for the University of Virginia."
836. In the polygraph copy addressed to Madison, this paragraph follows the paragraph that
begins with "I had begun to despair of our two Italian sculptors," and is followed by a
paragraph and closing that reads: "I hope we shall see you at the october visitation, by which
time our buildings will begin to shew, and we shall be enabled to judge what is next to be
done. in the mean time, and at all times, be assured of my constant & affectionate friendship
and respect."
837. In the polygraph copy addressed to Madison, this paragraph follows the paragraph that
begins with "Our works have gone on miserably slow," and precedes the paragraph that
begins with "Our principle being to employ the whole of funds on the buildings."
838. In the polygraph copy addressed to Madison, this paragraph follows the paragraph that
begins "We have adopted another measure however," and precedes the paragraph that begins
with "I had begun to despair of our two Italian sculptors." The remainder of this paragraph
in that copy, however, reads: "the undertaker went back, & I recieved a letter of June 17.
from him, informing me that their workmen would sail on the 20th. in the packet for
Richmond, & that himself the master brickmaker would meet them by the stage at
Richmond, and I expect hourly to hear of their arrival there, where mr Brockenbrough will
recieve and forward them."
839. The polygraph copy addressed to Taylor, Breckenridge, and Johnson has extra material
at this point that reads: "I think you asked me, and I am sure Genl. Cocke did, for a
Catalogue of the best editions of the classics, which I now inclose you as I have done to
him. I think also you were so kind as to say you would place me in correspondence with the
maker of the best crop of Scuppernon wine which will be doing me a great favor." TJ
bracketed this material and wrote in the right margin: "to Genl. Taylor only."
Documentary History of the Construction of the Buildings at the University
of Virginia, 1817-1828 | ||