University of Virginia Library



Qwene þat ȝunge mane I was,
I trawalyt oft in sere place,
sic thing in my ȝuthe to lere
quhare-with myn elde I mycht stere,
& drew me to gud mene, parde,
þocht lytil þare-of be bydyne one me.
þe trawalouris þane custume had,
þat al day ȝed ore rad,
& for trawale ware wery,
quhene þai come til þar herbry,
& namely fra þai mycht It se,
quhethyr þat It ware scho ore he,
hat or hud tak of ore clath,
þe rycht fut of þe sterape rath,
& to sancte Iulyane dewotly
a pater-noster say in hy,
In hope þat al gud herbry suld haf,
þat in sik wyse It suld crafe.
sic hope in-to sancte Iulyane
þe traualouris þane had tane,
as mony men ȝet are
þat sammyne oysis here & þare.
bot, for þat fele, ma þane ane,
haly mene are callit Iulyane,
I ȝarnyt to wyt quhilk was he


men socht in sic necessyte,
& sa his story I fand al hale,
as til ȝow here tel I sall.
& of wthyre Iulyanis sere
mencione I sal mak ȝou here,
& als sume memor sal I ma
of Iulyane apostata;
for haly kyrk makis mencione
als wele for Il, & for resone,
as of gud; for mene suld skere
þat þai ware to be Il or ware,
& be gud ensampil se
sa gud or betyr for to be.
bot þis mater I lefe hale,
& here begyne wil I my tale.
of th[i]re Iulianis sume tyme
ane byschape wes of synomyn.
& sume mene sais þis Iulyane
In ȝouthed symone had to name,
& was mysale, bot god hyme gafe
hele of body & of sawle bath,
& syne of lyf wox sa honeste,
þat criste he callyt til his fest,
quhare þe magdelane forgyfnes
gat of hyre synnis, mare & les;
& eftyre þe ascencione
byschape was mad of cynymone
be þe apostil[is]; fore he was
þane schenand in til halynes.
& vertuise lyf sa cane he led,
þat he thre mene raisit fra ded,
& now with god is in-to blyse.
& sume mene sais þis Iuliane Is
he on quhame fele cane cry,


quhene þame nedis gud herbry;
for crist with hyme herbry cane tak,
& in his house fest cane mak.
ane vthyr Iulyane beforne
in almayne þare was borne
of nobil kine; bot his nobilnes
of noble lyf ȝet mare noble wes;
& sa al tyme desyryt he
for cristis sak martir to be,
þat he hyme oferyt ay to þai
þat cristis folk socht for to slay.
a tyrand was in þat tyme,
þat fellone was, callyt crispine,
þat send & bad sla Iulyane,
for þat he cristindome had tane.
fra Iulyane persawing had
þat he was socht, but abad
he steryt furth vnabasitly,
& met þame at hyme socht in hy,
þat strak of his hed in haste,
& [brocht] to ferole, þat he lufit maste,
þat til hyme was falow dere,
& sad hyme: “tak ensampil here
of Iulyane, þat wald nocht trew
In oure godis na to þame bow,
þat þu to þame sacrifice mak,”
or ellis sic ded he suld tak.
bot he consent wald one na wyse
to mak þare godis sacrifice.
ferole hewyd þane in hy
þai strak of in gret felouny,
& mad a grawe, & lad hyme in,
& Iulianis hewide with hyme.
bot be process of tyme oure-drywine,


quhene pece to haly kyrk was gewine,
of vyone byschape, sancte maumert
In gret besynes sek gerte
ferole, & fand hyme hale & clene,
hafand his handis twa betwene
þe hed of Iuliane, his fere,
vnwemmyt, al hale & fere,
Richt as It had þat Ilke day
freschly bene lad in clay.
& als amang merwalis sere
of þis Iulyane þat men were
wont to record, at a dekine
for brynnand ȝarnyng gud to wyn
of Iulyane kyrk þe schepe
fra hyrdis refit þat þame suld kepe;
& þocht þe hyrdis in þe name
for-bad hyme of sancte Iulyane
to do sic wrang, he sad þame þan:
“sancte Iulyane, þe haly mane,
In til his tyme wes na glotone,
na wont wes nocht to ete motone.”
bot sic wykyt wordis of dyspyt
In þat dekine ware wengyt tyt;
for sa fel fewyre has hyme tane,
þat hyme wrocht grant, ore he fane,
þat Iulyane hym brynt sa faste,
þat he gert vatir one hyme caste,
wenand þar-with hyme to refresch;
bot his body sa stinkand wes
þat nane by hyme mycht be,
& in sic seknes syne deyt he.
of þis sancte Iulyane in lowing
sancte gregore tellis sic a thing.
þane a housband a-gane oure lay
telyt his land one sownday;


& he wenand best to do,
þe patyl his hand clewyt to
þe muldebred, quhen he suld mvk.
god sic wengeance on hym tuk,
for he wrocht one þe haly day,
þe tre til his hand clawe ay.
& quhene he had twa ȝere & mare
askyt helpe at sanctis here & þare,
succure na helpe gat he nane,
til he come til þus Iulyane,
In quhais kyrk, quhen he mad
his prayere, but a-bad
he was deliueryt of þe tre,
þat sa sorowful hyme mad to be.
[I]wlyane als wes ane vthyre,
þat had ane Iuly til his brothyre,
& bathe þe brethyr ware haly.
& in þare tyme theodosy
wes emprioure, & cristine fay
honouryt, & ekyt nycht & day.
til hyme þane come þere breþir twa,
& sic request til hyme cane ma,
þat he defend þame wald of grewe,
hafand of hyme speciale lewe
for to dystroy þe templis al
of ydolis, bathe gret & smal,
& kyrkis mak of lyme & stane
dewotly in-to crystis name.
þe emperoure, þat was haly,
þar request granttyt þam in hy,
& in ekyne of þare entent
þare-one gaf þame his patent,
þat quha-euir ware traweland
by þat sted, þai biggand,
þai suld helpe þame for to do,


or of þare gudis gyf þame to,
& þat þai vndone nocht lewyt
vndir tynsal of þare hewyd.
Iulyane þane & his bruthyre,
godis wark willand furthyre,
a kyrk mad in a place ner by,
þat callyt was gaudeamyny,
& be þe poware þat þai had,
distrenȝeyt al þat passag mad,
othyre to helpe þame to wyrk,
ore gyf þar gud gef þai ware Irk.
sa hapnyt in þat sythware
mene with a cart forby to fare,
þat wyst þai brethyre pouare had
to distrenȝe al þat passag mad
to gyf þare gud or þar trawale.
for-þi þame thocht It suld awale
to fynd sume essonȝe for-quhy
þai mycht frely pase forby;
& consel þane tane haf þai
of þare fawlouys ane for to lay
In-to þe kart, dede as he ware,
& sa purches by fre to fare.
þane byd þai hyme stil ly þare,
as lang before ded he wer,
& coueryt hyme with clathis clene,
þat, þai sad, suld ger hyme seme;
& held one, til þai come nere
quhare þai gud mene wyrkand ware.
sancte Iulyane & sancte Iuly
þane one þame hely cane cry,
þat wald [haf] eschapyt with sic gyl,
& sad: “frendis, a-bydis a quhyle,
and helpis ws þis wark to do,
or of ȝoure gudis gyfis ws to!”


& answert þa lurdanys
with he woyce al þat anys:
“we pray ȝow thole ws pas nobly,
for here a ded cors we cary,
& we hast [vs] hyme til haf
til sume haly place, hym to grawe.”
sancte Iulyane þane sad one he:
“my gud brethyre, quhy lest ȝou le?”
þay answert þane & sad: “sir, nay;
It is suth þat we say.”
& he sad: “eftyre ȝoure suthfastnes
It fal til ȝou mare & les.”
& þai ful blyth þare get cane ga
þat þai war eschapyt sa.
& quhene þai passyt ware away,
one hyme þat in þe cart þare lay,
þai callyt lowd, bot he wes stil.
sa at þe last þai come hym til,
& put one hyme, & callit be name,
& sad: “ryse vpe, man, for schame,
& helpe to sped ws in oure way!”
bot stil he wes. þane cane þai say:
“wil we al þis day cry,
as dede þis man wil ly.”
þe clathis of hyme þane haf þai tan;
& fand hyme ded. þan mad þai man.
sic dowt þan & sic hidwisnes,
þat þis hard, tuk, mare & les,
þat na man durst lesine make
to þai sanctis, for dout of wrak.
[y]hete in þis stoury find we ane,
þat als wes callyt Iulyane,
þat fadyr & modir bath sleucht,
his vnwitting—þat wrocht hyme wocht.
þis Iulyane wes of nobile kene,


& had mykil warldis wyne.
& hapnyt hyme in ȝouthhede
þat he a day til hwntis ȝede.
& quhene he had socht oure þe land,
a gret hart & fare he fand;
þane Iulyane rycht besyly
folouyt þis hart al anerly.
& sa at þe laste þat best
turnyt a-gane, & mad areste,
& sad: “quhy chasis þu me swa,
wykyt man, þat þi fadir [sal] sla,
& als þi modir of þi hande
sal de be dynt of bytande brand?”
quhene þis was sad, he was sary,
& dred þai wordis gretumely,
þat þe hart had sad hyme til.
for-þi he dresyt hale his wil
to lewe þe land al priwely;
&, as he thocht, he dyd in hy.
þane one his way sone ȝed he
furth in-[to] a fere cunctre,
sa nane hyme knew, na he nane.
fore-þi arest þare has he tane.
with his seruice to wyne gud þane
he thocht, sene he was manly mane.
þane to þe prince of þe cunctre
sone he socht; & quhene þat he
wyst quhare he wes & with hyme met,
Rycht curtasly he has hyme gret,
& sad: “sir, & It be ȝoure wil,
lele seruice I wald mak ȝou til,
& at ȝoure wil tak of ȝow fe.”
þe prince sad: “welcume þu be!”
& hyme resawit thankfully,
& gret gyftis gef hyme in hy.


þane þis Iulyane, þat was wicht,
sa wele in palace & in fycht
enplesit his prince, þat he hym mad
knycht—sic luf til hyme he had—
& gert hyme wed a ȝung lady,
þat had castel and syngnory.
sa þat he worth [a] mychtty mane
thru gud & prowes þat he wane,
& lang tyme led gud lyfe,
& gat fare barnis one his wyfe.
bot his fadyre in þe mene-tyme
& his modir in mykil pyne
lifit, fra þa þare barne tynt,
fore þai cuth noþir cese na stynt
to sek hyme bath fere & nere.
þo þai of riches mychtty were,
bot þare-of na-thing þai rocht,
bot al lewyt & þare sone socht,
waferand fra place to place,
til þat It hapnyt [þame] one case
to þat castel ayrly to care,
þat þare sone aucht, & syne his ayre.
& þat mornyng Iulyane was
gane to þe feld hym to refres,
vnhaply in þe sythware,
lytil before þat þai come þare.
& sone þe laydy had þame sene,
& saw þame honest folk & clene,
& franyt quhat þare willis ware,
& quhat þai socht þat tyme þare. [OMITTED]
fore scho had hard hyre husband tel
al hale þe case as It befel;
þame resawyt scho tendyrly,


&, fore þai ware ful wery,
scho gert þare fet be dycht fyrste,
syne lad þame in a bed to reste,
& bad þame slepe & mery ma,
for scho wald to þe chapil ga.
& sa scho dyd, & lewyt þam, stil
slepand soft at þare wil.
& as þis thing done was,
Iulyane come fra his solas,
& for-wenyt to his wyf,
but areste come be-lyf,
trewand þane foroutyne wene
þat scho in hyre bad had bene.
with þat þe curtyng vpe he wauit,
& twa lyand has persawyt,
þat he mysknew, fore þai ware hyd.
þare-for gret sorow til hym tyd;
for he wend It had bene sum mane,
þat had his wyf defowlyt þane.
for-[þi] of Ire he was sa hat,
þat he al resone had forȝet,
& in þat wodnes, ore he stynt,
a scharpe swerd owt he hynt.
þane fadir & modir in þat sted,
In his wodnes, he slew ded.
& as þe ded donne was,
þe ȝunge laydy come fra þe mes,
& fand hyre lord wrath wondirly.
þane þe cause speryt scho in hy.
bot, quhene he had hiss wyf sene,
gret wondir put away his tene,
& sad til hyr: “I pray þe, say,
quhat ware ȝone twa in myn bed lay?
for I trewit it had bene a fere,
þu had þane me fore mare dere.”


þane til hyme smyland scho sad:
“þai twa, þat þare-[in] I lad,
ȝoure fadyre & ȝoure modir are,
þat fare has socht ȝou with hart sare.
þar-fore I beysit me til es
þame in althing & to ples.”
fra þat he [had] hard þis tale,
his wit he tynt nere for bale,
& in-to swonyng fele as ded;
& scho one hyme fel in þat sted.
þane watir one þame men can caste,
& þai oure-come at þe last.
þane has scho hyme in armis tane,
& sad til hyme: “my dere lemmane,
quhat amowit ȝou þis to fare?
tel me, & na-thinge with me spare!”
þane sad he: “my laydy gud,
quhat wondir is þocht I be woud?
In hart haf I sa mekil wa
þat my-self me byrd to sla,
preysand with fortone for to stryf,
& now has put bath ofe lyf
fadir & modir felloun[l]y!
allace! þat euire borne wes I,
for to be callit þe wykiste
fra suth to north, fra est to weste,
for of my ded sa cruele
þe warld sal neuire cese to tel.
allace! I thocht nocht fore to thryfe,
with fortone, quhen I began to strife.
I gaf na treutht þat It suld be
suth, þe hart [had] sad til me;
& now fulfillyt has in dede
þe thing þat I sa sare cane dred;
þare-fore I lewyt kithe & kyne,
& ȝet þis wrak is falline In.


þare-fore fare wele, systir swet;
for with þe sal I neuire met,
bot ay [sal I] nycht and day,
til Ihesu criste, þat [al] mychttis may,
my pennance tak, & rew of me!”
þane wes gret pite fore to se
how his wyf hyme in armis hynt,
gretand sa fast þat scho na stynt,
& sad til hyme: “swet lord dere,
quhat, wene ȝe to lewe me here?
na, forsuth, It beis nocht swa,
bot quhare þu gais, I sal ga,
& wa with þe thole als wele,
as euire I tholyt welth or wele,
& of þi pane partenare be,
as I of Ioy has bene with þe.”
a new dysese þane can he tak,
seand his wyf sic sorou mak,
na hyre purpos he chang ne mycht
noþir for prayere na for mycht.
þane passyt þai furth, wauerand
a gret reuire til þai fand,
quhare-In fele drownyt ayre & lat,
for þare was noþir bryg na bat.
þane he & scho, þat mychtty ware
of gold & siluir, wald nocht spare,
bot ane hospytale mad but were
one þe bank of þat riuere,
quhar-in al þat had nede
þai herbryt wele, & can þam fede;
& al þat wald þe vatir pas—
for he mekile man & stark wes—
quhene þai come nycht or day,
he bare þame oure but delay.
& with als in chastyte


dewotly lifyt his wyf & he.
& quhene þai lang had led sic lyf
thankful to god, he & his wyfe,
It hapnyt hyme al wery
In til his bed a nycht to ly,
quhene sa gret falline wes þe snaw,
þat nane mycht þe ȝerd knaw,
& wele gret was þe frost with-al.
about mydnycht he hard ane cal
ful pytuisly one hyme be name,
& gretand sad: “ryse, Iulyane,
& oure þis watir þu bere me
þat in poynt is to peryst be!”
þane Iulyane na dwelling mad,
bot furth he ran but a-bad,
& fand a ȝunge barne in þat stede,
þat fore cald nere wes ded;
for he wes myssele & sare seke,
& Ilke bale cane vthyre eke,
þat Iulyane hyme bethocht
þat he þe watir pas wald nocht
with þis chyld, til he warmyt ware.
for-þi sone he hynt hyme þare,
& to his ostel has hyme borne,
& mad a fyre sone hyme beforne.
bot, fore na fyr he mycht mak,
þe child na kyndly het cuth tak.
þane for dowt þe barne suld spil,
he mad a bed & bare hyme til,
& happyt hyme ful tendirly,
& wele lang tyme let hyme ly.
& quhen cummyne wes þe day,
Iulyane come quhare he lay,
& fand hyme ȝet lyand clede,
as he had lad hyme in his bede.


he bad hyme Ryse, fore it wes day,
gyf he had hast of his way.
þe chyld semyt þan fere mare clere
þane is þe sowne in myd-ȝere,
þat wes before al myslary
& gret seknes ful vgly;
for of his face come a leme
as It had bene a sone-beme.
with þat he passit ful rath in hewine,
& til his hoste sad in swet stewine:
“gud Iulyane, god has send me
to comfort & to say to þe,
þat þi pennance sa thankful Is,
þat he til the al hale þis myse
forgyfine has quyt & fre;
& alsa bad me sa to þe,
þat þu sowne, & þi folow bath,
sal til hyme cum in hewine ful rath,
quhare ȝe sal bruk þe gret blyse,
þat he [h]as grantyt til al his,
& namely for þu set þi wil
til herbry al þat come þe til.
for-þi þai at in name of the
askis herbry, sal herbryit be,
& be wele esyt at þe lest,
suppos þai haf nocht plesand fest.”
þe angel þan of his sycht
wanyst. & he with al mycht
lowyt fast god of his bounte,
þat let hyme sa his angel se.
sancte Iulyane þan & his wyf
to god led þai sa thankful lyfe,
þat þare dedis sa wele can stere
þe lytil tyme þat þa lif[it] here,
þat one a day & in ane houre
þai deyt, & til oure saweoure


sa quemful, þat, rycht [as] þai twa
has tholyt here bath wele & wa,
sa to-gydyre he þame brocht
til his gret blyse, þat falis nocht;
þe quhilk fore his debonare wil
he grantyt ws al to cum til.
Ande as dewot mene has delyt
of gud men fore to red & wryt,
ensampil gud of þame to ta,
of wykit mene þai suld alsa
þe wykitnes here tald þam til,
to restrenȝe þame fra Il,
sic wykyt dedis for to do.
for, þocht I now haf tald ȝou to
of thre Iulyanis gud,
of þe ferde Iulyane, as I vndirstud,
I sal tel, of his wykytnes,
þat fulsume til al gud-men wes.
þis Iulyane wes nocht haly,
bot Il & ful of trechery.
& in þe tyme of his ȝouthede
in til leteratoure sa wel he sped,
þat fore fals feinȝet halynes
In lytil tyme he monke mad wes;
for he resemblyt fore to be
worthy and gud; bot ȝet he
wykyt wolfe wes withine,
& heylyt in a lame-skine,
sa þat fele dissawit he,
sa semand gud man [for] to be.
ymang vthyre wes a wyf,
þat wend he ware sa gud of lyfe,
as a doctore sais, þat scho
thre gret poyttis brocht hyme to,


fillyt of gold to þe hals,
& þare a-beoufe scho had layd als
askis, þat gold to consele.
&, for scho wend [þat] he ware lele,
to þat traytoure, monkis before,
scho deliueryt þat tresoure,
trowand he mycht be-gylyt be;
for þe gold scho let hyme nocht se.
bot nocht-þane be-for wytnes
þe poyttis scho opnyt nocht-þe-les,
& let hyme se þat þare wes nocht
bot askis; for sa scho thocht
to ger hyme hyre gold kepe wele,
& of þe profyt na-thinge fele.
þis monk þane þe poyttis has tane,
&, fra þe wyf hir way has gane,
he had þame til a priwe stede,
&, for þai hewy ware as lede,
þame to prowe þane prewit he,
& fand þame ful of gold al thre.
þe gold til hyme þane tuk he sone,
& askis in þe pyt has done,
& coueryt, & mad þame clene,
as he with-In had nocht þame sene.
sone eftyre had þe wyf to do
with hyr gold, and come hyme to,
& askit hyme þe tresoure,
þat scho gef hyme to kepe before.
sad he þane: “deme, gladly,”
& þe thre poyttis brocht in hy.
& scho, besy for to se
hyr gold, temyt þe poyttis thre;
& askis in þame euir-ilkane
scho fand, bot gold [þare-in] was nane;
& askyt hyme quhare he had done


hyr gold, þocht askis ware a-beone.
þane sad he: “deme, ar ȝe woud?
lowyt be god þat gud men stud
be-for, quhene ȝe þe poyttis brocht,
& þame opnyt, & saw rycht nocht
in þa poyttis bot askis ware,
& rycht sa, deme, lo þame þare!
& had nane þe suth sene
bot we twa, ȝet wald sum men deme
þat It ware, deme, as ȝe tel;
bot lowit be god rycht fare, þan fel
þat I gudmene to witnes had!”
þis þe wyf sa abaysyt he mad
þat scho had noþir twng na tutht
to say hyme þat he sad nocht sutht,
bot held hyre stil & hyre way ȝud.
& sa he brukyt al þe gud;
for of þe gold wes witnes nane,
bot of þe askis þame alane.
sone eftyre þat the wey he nome
with his gold, & come to rome,
& seculare clething cane one ta,
& sa become apostata.
& with slichtis & with gret gyle
sa has he wrocht in lytil quhyle,
& with þe gold þat he þan had,
þat he consule of rome wes mad;
& sa gouernyt þat dingnyte
þat syne emperoure mad wes he.
& for he wes parfytly
Infourmyt in-to sorcery
in his ȝouthed, he til hym drew
al þame þat in þat craft he knew.
& one a day wes lefit alane,
quhene his mastir to feld wes gan,
& in a buk of þat science


red, a-gane his mastere defence.
þane before hyme cane apere
a multytud of fendis sere,
þat blak ware & ful vgly.
for-þi he mad one hyme in hy
a takine of þe croyce, fore dout
of þame: & þai sowne flaw owt.
& quhene his mastir come hame,
þis tald hyme sow[n]e Iulyane.
& [he] sad hyme: “lewe sowne, in wast
leris þou þis crafte: for alþir-mast
þat takine þe feyndis sckiris,
& of þar mycht & purpos merrys,
for þai lewe It, & doutis bath,
& quhene þai se It, fleys rath.”
for quhy, quhen þis Iulyane
of þe emperoure þe stat had tane,
& wist þat with sorcery
he mycht nocht wyrk quhare corce ware by,
& þat craft hym had helpyt sa
þat he wald na wa It for-ga,
bot in quhat-kyne thing he had to do
þe feyndis helpe he askyt þare-to.
fore he wyst [þat] þai ware red
for þe croice, þare-for he bad
þe croice in al place to distroy,
& to al cristyne men to do noy,
for vthyr-ways he trewyt nocht
þe feyndis helpe til awale ocht,
na ȝeyt til obey ocht hyme til,
na his purpos til fulfil.
þat tyme quhene Iulyane
In þe land of pers wes gane,
In “fadrys lyfys” as we red,


a fend he callyt til hym gudsped,
& bad hyme in þe west sone fare,
& bryng word quhou it wes þare.
þis feynd þane fast one his way
sped hyme furth nycht & day,
til [he] of chance come til a place
quhare þat a monk lugyt wes,
þat lyfyt in deuocione,
In fasting and in oracione;
& sa gud his prayere wes
þat þe feynd mycht na forþir pas,
bot come agane to Iulyane,
& answare he brocht nane.
þane sad Iulyane til hym sone:
“quhar has þu ben? quhat is done?
& quhy duelt þu sa lang awey?
al hale þe suth to me þu sey!”
& he þane til hyme cane tel
how a monke gert hyme duel,
& letyt hyme to pas forby.
he prayt god sa inkyrly
þat he tene days bydand wes
to se gyf þe monk wald cess
of his prayere, bot he wald nocht.
“þar-for agane to þe I socht,
for sa prayt þat monk Increly
þat I mycht na-way pas hyme by,
na in þi erand a-valȝe,
bot has tynt hale myn trawele.”
Iulyane sad: “þu trew me
þat I sal wele rewengyt be
of þat wikyt monk publy,
quhene I cum þare, sekyrly.”
þe feyndis hicht hyme þan þat he
hale victore of pers suld be.


sephystrasus, a tyrand, þane
has speryt at a cristine man
soroful: “quhat venis þu
þat þe wrechis sone dois now?”
& he cane answere hym one ane:
“a grawe I mak to Iulyane.”
as in þe story of sancte blase
of þis tyrand men wrytyne has.
of carnotense byschope albert,
þat wes a man of gret disert,
sais: “quhene þis tyrand mad repare
to þe cite of cesare,
of capodose in þe cunctre,
sancte blase hyme met, treuand þat he
suld þane ameis his fellon wil,
cristine men þat he had til,
& of bere-bred mad hyme presand;
for vthyr wes nane in þe land.
bot fore dedenȝe þane Iulyane
tholit his presand nocht be tane,
he sad: “dispyt he dyd hym gret
þat til hyme [he] send sik met;
& for his bred he send hym hay,
& til hyme strutly can say:
“þe fud of bestis vnresonabile,
to mane til et nocht delytabile,
þu has ws send; for-þi send we
sic-lyk fud aganys to þe.”
sancte blase answert but het,
& sad: “we haf send þe sic met
as oure-self has, þu sal trew,
þocht þu hay sendis ws now
quhare-of þi bestys þu feydis.
men se wele may þu god nocht dredys.”
þane Iulyane, þat wes wrath,


sic answer has mad rath:
“quhen I haf wonnyn al pers,
þis cite hale I sal revers,
& mak It for to bere corne,
as men has sene here beforne.
sa sal It dystroyt be,
þu, blase, in dyspyt of þe.”
sancte blase had na noþir wane,
bot to þe kyrk þat nycht is gane,
to pray god hyme succure [to] send
& fra þe tyrand hyme defend,
þat til dystroy þe land has thret.
sa fast þat nycht he has gret,
þat one slepe he fel sene;
& a multytud of angelis has sene,
& in þe mydis of þai stand
a laydy far & auenand
In a trone with blyth wlt,
& sad to þame þat stud about:
“sancte mercure sone to me cal þe,
to reweng my sone & me,
& smertly dicht hyme for to sla
ȝone Iulyane apostata,
þat has sclanderyt myn sone & me
thru his pride & Iniquite!”
a lytil befor þat mercure,
þat wes knycht of gret honoure,
þis Iulyane for cristine fay
gert slay, þat in þe kirk þane lay.
sancte mercure þane ras hastely
at þe bydinge of þat laydy,
& his armys has hynt sone,
þat to kepe in þe kirk ware done,
& armyt hyme, & held his way
to þe ost quhare Iulyane lay,


& did his dewoure worthely,
as hyme had bydine þat laydy.
þane waknyt blase, & tuk kepe
til þat he had sene in slepe,
& rase, & passit but delay
to þe grawe, quhare mercure lay,
& myssit his body; & he socht
his armis, & he fande [þame] nocht.
þane askyt he þe sacristane
quha þai armis a-way had tane.
“for suth, sad he, sir, I no wat;
bot here þai ware ȝystrewen lat,
quhar þay ware wont for to be
euir sene þai ware tacht to me.”
sancte blase fra þat place com away.
& one þe morne, quhen it wes day,
he come & fand þare þe body
& spere & armis al bludy.
þane com a man in þat sythware,
quhen sancte blase þis saw þare,
& tald hyme, quhen Iulyane
In-to þe oste his rest had tane,
þar come sone a strang knycht,
horsyt & armyt wele at rycht,
& strak þe sted with spuris sa;
þane thru þe ost he cane ga,
& of al þe knychtis thru þe sture,
til he come til þe emperoure,
& strak hyme in þe brest rycht
with a scharpe spere at al his mycht,
þat he his hart clawe in twa,
& to þe erde bakwart gert ga.
quhene þis wes done, sa wanyst he
þat na man eftyr cuth hyme se.
þane Iulyane, þat wes but ded,


his neful tuk of his blud red,
& kyst It vpe agane the lyft,
sayand sic wordis of vnthryft:
“þu has oure-cummyne, of galylee,
I grant þu has oure-cummyne me.”
with þai wordis, as worthy ware,
he deyt, & lefyt wes þare,
nocht put in erde, for al his mene.
& [men] of perce sone com þane,
& flew hyme, & his skine ham bare
to þar kyng; & he but mare
vndir his feit [it] layd but let,
quhene he in kingis seg wes sat.
to þis Iulyane wil nane pray,
na nane prayere for hyme may.
bot þe todir thre pray we
þat þai wil oure beld be;
& namely to þat Iulyane,
þat for gast has þe angel tane,
þat he for ws mak sic prayere
þat we may hafe gud herbry here,
& syne in hewine herbryt be.
Amen, Amen, parcheryte.