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CDXXVI. Governor in Virginia. A Commission to Captain Raph Hamor January 19, 1623/4

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CDXXVI. Governor in Virginia. A Commission to Captain Raph
January 19, 1623/4

Manuscript Records Virginia Company, III, pt. ii, p. 41a
Document in Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
List of Records No. 617

To all to whom these p̢sentℯ shall come to be seene, read, or vndr stood &c.
greeting. Whereas for diurs considerations especially moveing the Gov-
ernor and Counsell of State, it was thought fitt, for this present yeare to
restreine all perticuler trade for Corne, wthin the Bay, and to apropriate
that trade, only for the publique benefitt of the Colony. Now Know yee
that I Sr Francis Wyatt Kt Governor and Capt generall of Virginia, out of
the certaine knowledge & good opinion weh I conceaue of Capt Raph


Hamor Esquire Counsellor of State, for the managing of an employment
of such consequence, and wch may much conduce to the benefitt of ye
Plantation do by these p̢sentℯ constitute and appoint the said Capt
Raph Hamor to be Captaine and principall Comander of the good Shipp the
Will͠m & John now riding at Anckor in Patomeck River. Giveing and
graunting vnto the said Raph Hamor, full power and absolute Com̃and, in
all cases, for ye managing of the said tradeing vioage, overall and every
person of what nature or qualitie soeu9 to be employed in the said vioage.
And also full power and authoritie, to trade, in any River, or Rivers
wthin the Bay, either vppon pledg, if the Savadges shall require it, or
otherwise: forbidding notwthstanding the said Raph, to compell by any
waies or meanes any Indians whatsoever to trade more then they shalbe
willing to trade for; or to offer any violence to any exept in his owne defence, in case of suspic̃on of treacherie, or open wrong intended to him
or any of his Company. For the better managing of wch p̢sent employ-
mt and vioage, I do strictly Com̃and and charge, all and every person in
the said vioage to yeeld all ready obedience, vnto the said Raph Hamor,
and in all things to follow and execute the Com̃andℯ of him, as they will
answer the contrary at theire vttermost perillℯ. Given aboard the Will͠m
and John in Patomeck Riuer this xixth of January. 1623

Francis Wyatt.
A Commission to Capt Raph Hamor given aboard the Will͠m & John for
tradeing &c.