University of Virginia Library


Professor Bird.

Adjunct Professor Bedford.

Organic Chemistry.Three hours of lectures and six hours of
laboratory work during the fall and winter terms of the first year.

In this course a very intense and systematic study is made of the principles
of organic chemistry, with special reference, at appropriate places,
to compounds of medical importance. Such constant reference is made to
the analogous phenomena of inorganic chemistry as will coordinate the
work as far as possible with the student's previous study of general
chemistry. The object is to lay a good foundation for the courses that
follow in physiological chemistry, pharmacology, etc.; and also to instruct
the student carefully in the methods of investigation of chemical

The student prepares in sufficient quantity one or more compounds
that illustrate the essential characteristics of each of the more important
classes of organic compounds, a compound of medical interest being selected
wherever advisable. Great stress is laid on the proper experimental
method of studying chemistry, and numerous questions are attached
to the directions for each experiment in order to force the student to
adopt a comparative method of studying at the time the type compound
is being prepared and its reactions illustrated.

Brief instruction is given in the methods of quantitative analysis of
organic compounds, both ultimate and proximate.

A record of seventy per cent. on this course is required for admission
to Physiology 1 (Physiological Chemistry.)