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The Daily Progress historical and industrial magazine

Charlottesville, Virginia, "The Athens of the South"
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Miss L. C. Zimmermann.


Miss L. C. Zimmermann.

The millinery business is one which
requires great artistic skill as the
beauty of a hat depends largely on the
blending of colors in ribbons, laces

flowers and other trimmings, and as
the average woman of today has a hat
for every gown the milliner must have
a fertile as well as an artists mind to
be able to please every one. Of those
engaged in this profession in our city
the undisputed leader is Miss L. C.
Zimmerman, whose large and handsome
emporium is located at 222 East
Main street. For twenty-five years
she has been engaged in this business
and no one is her superior in getting
up a hat. Her stock comprises a complete
line of hats trimmed and untrimmed
and there is a large number
of French and other pattern hats on
display. Her work room is located
just in the rear of her spacious store
and in it is employed a large force of
expert trimmers and designers who
are kept constantly busy turning out
their own creations and the ideas of
the patrons. In addition to the millinery
ne Miss Zimmerman has a fine
display of fancy goods, and does
stamping for embroidery. Her success
was immediate and in a short
time the trade was so large she was
forced to seek larger quarters and
thrice since then has she been compelled
to move in order to accommodate
her fastly increasing business which is
the largest and most exclusive in the

Some men only want your confidence
to give it to others.