University of Virginia Library

Goodyear & Robertson.

Among those enterprises that have
attained well deserved prominence in
Charlottesville manufacturing and

mercantile circles, may be mentioned
that of Goodyear & Robertson, manufacturers
and dealers in all kinds of
harness, saddles and turf goods, whose
repository sales-rooms and workshops
covering some 7750 square feet of floor
space are located on Fourth street between
Main and Market streets. The
premises are neatly fitted up, and at
all times contain a large and comprehensive
stock of horse goods. The assortment
has been made and selected
with great care, and embraces all kinds
of harness, saddles, bridles, collars,
pads, halters, whips, robes, blankets
and all stable requisites. They manufacture
light and heavy, single and
double harness to order, in the best
manner, finishing in any style of
mountings. A leading specialty of
the house is English saddlery and
harness and in this particular line
they are without a peer in the State.
These English saddles are the very best
that money can buy and the house
have their own original designs.
The workshops are splendidly equipped
with all the very best mechanical
appliances. Aside from the lines
mentioned above the firm are extensive
dealers in carriages and are the
agents for the famous Columbus
Buggy Co's vehicles. Here also may
be found all that is latest and best in
the way of surreys, broughams,
doctors phaetons, etc., in fact all kinds
of light, medium and heavy carriages
of the latest styles, in which only the
best material are utilized. These
vehicles are unexcelled for durability,
elegance of design, ease of draft and
general workmanship. Those who
want very cheap carriages will not
find them here, but customers requiring
the best in the city at a reasonable
price cannot do better than give their
orders to this responsible house. A
visit will satisfy purchasers and their
friends, that the goods of this concern
are unrivalled, and justly merit the
commendations bestowed upon them.
The firm has been established since
1891, and the individual members are
George B. Goodyear and Richmond E.
Robertson both of whom are thorough
business men who maintain a high
reputation for sterling integrity in
both commercial and social circles.
As "Horsemen's Headquarters" the
place is known over this entire section
of the State, its customers including
practically all of our celebrated horsemen.

Bodily vigor is good, and vigorous
intellect is even better, but far above
both is character.—Roosevelt.

Do so well to-day that you need not
long for to-morrow.