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Lydgate's Fall of Princes

Edited by Dr. Henry Bergen ... presented to The Early English Text Society by The Carnegie Institution of Washington

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[How Clarus and his ij. sones were myscheuyd.]

Tofor Bochas Clarus next cam doun
With his too sonys, Numerian & Caryne.
And, as I fynde, he was born in Narbon
And descendid of a noble lyne.
But whan that he most cleerli dide shyne
In his empire, he gat cites tweyne,
Chose & Thelifount, in Partois with gret peyne.
Beside Tigre, a famous swift ryueer,
He pihte his tentis, & cast hym þer tabide.
A sodeyn lihtnyng his face cam so neer,
Smet al to pouder, for al his gret[e] pride;
And Numerian that stood be his side
Hadde a mark[e] that was sent from heuene:
Loste bothe his eyen with the fyry leu[en]e.


His othir sone Carynus, a good kniht,
In Dalmacia hadde al the gouernaunce;
But for that he gouerned nat ariht,
He was cast doun & lost al his puissaunce:
Vicious lyff kometh alwey to myschaunce.
Sepcivs chose Dalmacia for to guye,
Among his knihtis moordrid of envie.