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Lord GOD, vouchsafe thy mercy to these Lands
And, if with thy good pleasure it now stands,
The Plagues for their demerits due, adjourn,
That Peace with Grace united may return
Before the madness of this Generation
Hath frustrated their means of preservation.


By Judgments, and by Mercies interwove,
By chastisements in anger and in love
By threatnings and by gentile invitations,
Thou, to reclaim us from prevarications
Hast oft assaied; adding unto these
Whisperings in secret to our consciences;
Spoke to our ears by men, unto our eyes
By Apparitions and by Prodigies:
Yea, whilst I'm writing this, there doth appear
A Blazing Star within our hemisphere,
A swell unto our neighbours as to us
Made visible: And wherefore Glares it thus
With an Aspect so dreadful at this time,
But, to point at, and forwarn us and them
Of some approrahing mischief, whereof heed
Is to be taken by us, with all speed.
Lord, let us not, still obstinate remain
Rendring (as heretofore) all quite in vain,
That's seen, or said, or done, till none for ever
By Word, or Deed, our safety shall endeaver.