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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes
4 occurrences of psalter
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The first Psalme.
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4 occurrences of psalter
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The first Psalme.

The Argument.

This Psalme in sence

Beatus vir.

Shewth difference
of men both good and bad:
It shewth their fruites


Their hartes pursuites
their endes both glad & sad

Ambulare. Stare. Sedere. Impij. Peccatores. Derisores. Consilia. Viæ. Cathedræ.


Man blest no doubt: who walkth not out,
in wicked mens affayres:
And stondth no daie: in sinners waie,
nor sitth in scorners chayres.



But holdth euen still: Gods lawe in will,
with all his hartes delight:
And will him vse: on it to muse,
to keepe it day and night.


He like shall bee: the planted tree,
nie set the riuers course:
Which fruth in tyde: whose leaues abide,
all prosperth what he doese.


Not so, not so: the wicked do,
lyke dust or chaffe they bee:
Uphoyst by winde: as light by kynde,
from face of earth to see.


Therfore these men: so wicked then,
in iudgement shall not stand:
Nor sinners bee: in companie,
of righteous men of hand.


The Lord doth know: and will auow,
mens wayes that are of God:
Where shall decaie: the beaten waie,
of wicked men so brode.