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Perigot and Cuddies Roundelay.

Perigot and Cuddies Roundelay.

It fell vpon a holy-Eue,
hey hoe holy-day:
When holy-Fathers wont to shriue,
now ginneth this Roundelay.
Sitting vpon a hill so hie,
hey hoe the hie hill:
The while my flocke did feede thereby,
the while the Sheepheards selfe did spill.
I saw the bouncing Bellybone,
hey hoe Bonny-bell:
Tripping ouer the Dale alone,
shee can trip it very well.
Well decked in a Frock of gray,
hey hoe gray is greete:
And in a Kirtle of greene Say,
the greene is for Maydens meete.

A Chaplet on her head she wore,
hey hoe the Chaplet:
Of sweet Violets therein was store,
she's sweeter then the Violet.
My Sheepe did leaue their wonted food,
hey hoe silly Sheepe:
And gaz'd on her as they were wood,
vvood as he that did them keepe.
As the Bony-lasse passed by,
hey hoe Bony-lasse:
Shee rold at me with glauncing eye,
as cleare as the Christall-glasse.
All as the Sunnie-beame so bright,
hey hoe the Sun-beame:
Glaunceth from Phœbus face forth right,
so loue into my hart did streame.
Or as the thunder cleaues the clouds,
hey hoe the thunder:
Wherein the lightsome leuin shrouds,
so cleaues my soule a-sunder.
Or as Dame Cinthias siluer ray,
hey hoe the moone-light:
Vpon the glistering vvaue doth play,
such play is a pitteous plight.
The glaunce into my hart did glide,
hey hoe the glider:
There with my soule was sharply gride,
such wounds soone wexen wider.
Hasting to raunch the arrow out,
hey hoe Perigot:
I left the head in my hart roote,
it was a desperate shot.
There it rankleth aye more and more,
hey hoe the arrow:

Ne can I finde salue for my sore,
loue is a curelesse sorrow.
And though my bale with death I bought,
hey hoe heauie cheere:
Yet should thilke lasse not from my thought,
so you may buy gold too deere.
But whether in painfull loue I pine,
hey hoe pinching paine:
Or thriue in wealth, she shall be mine,
but if thou can her obtaine.
And if for gracelesse greefe I dye
hey hoe gracelesse greefe:
Witnesse, she slew me with her eye,
let thy folly be the preefe.
And you that saw it, simple sheepe,
hey hoe the faire flocke:
For priefe thereof my death shall weepe,
and moane with many a mocke.
So learn'd I loue on a holy-Eue,
hey hoe holy-day:
That euer since my hart did greeue,
now endeth our Roundelay.
Edm. Spencer.