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The following resolution was adopted:

  • WHEREAS, the original Use of the Rotunda policy was approved by the Board of Visitors on October 3, 1986; and
  • WHEREAS, the Ad Hoc Committee on Policy Reform has examined the existing Use of the Rotunda policy for accuracy and applicability and has determined that it requires substantive changes; and
  • WHEREAS, on April 12, 1997, the Ad Hoc Committee on Policy Reform referred the policy to the Buildings and Grounds Committee for review and revision; and policy;
  • WHEREAS, current practice differs from the Board's
  • RESOLVED that the Use of the Rotunda policy dated October 3, 1986, be updated and superseded as follows:


  • While it is very important to regard the Rotunda as an active, working building, the building's special characteristics and historical significance dictate that its usage be carefully considered. There is heavy demand by University groups for the Rotunda facilities. The demand far outstrips the availability of space in the building. Several thousand visitors come to see the Rotunda in a typical month. Admissions officials arrange for prospective students to make their first official contact with the University in the Rotunda. Because of the irreplaceable and fragile nature of the Rotunda interior, it must be used in ways that will not shorten the useful life of the structure. A set of guidelines and regulations for the use of the Rotunda has been in effect since the restoration in 1976. The following represents a revision of these guidelines to become effective immediately:
  • PROCEDURE FOR RESERVING SPACE IN THE ROTUNDA -- Reservations may be made by contacting the Rotunda Administrator. Reservations will be made in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document, and in accordance with University regulations.
  • GENERAL PRINCIPLES REGARDING USE -- Space in the Rotunda may be reserved for dignified occasions, within the guidelines, by University departments, groups primarily controlled by faculty, staff, or the Alumni Association, Student Council, recognized student groups, or University contracted independent organizations-. Assignment of spaces shall be content neutral. Because of the heavy demand, it will be the responsibility of the Rotunda Administrator to make the facilities available to as many requesters as possible, avoiding overuse by any group. The Rotunda will not be used for private parties (e.g. wedding receptions) nor will it be used for events requiring the collection of admission fees. The Rotunda is a smoke-free building.
  • THE DOME ROOM -- The Dome Room is the most fragile of the Rotunda facilities. Of special concern is the heart pine floor, which is fragile and irreplaceable. Special care must be taken in the use of this room. Such events as seated dinners and lectures would be appropriate uses; however, cocktail parties, receptions, and dances are not permitted. Refreshments may be served only at seated meals.
  • USE OF THE NORTH AND SOUTH PORTICOS -- Events that do not conflict with inside users may be held on the North or South Porticos of the Rotunda provided that they are dignified occasions and are in compliance with Lawn Use regulations. Alcoholic beverages may not be serviced on the Porticos while the University is in session. Reservations may be made through the Rotunda Administrator.
  • SECURITY PROVISIONS -- The Dome Room and other Rotunda space may be used before and after the normal hours of operation only if official Rotunda personnel are present. Users will be billed for the cost of these employees on an hourly basis. A modest use fee will also be assessed. The use of candles in the Rotunda is restricted to oilless candles in the Dome Room during catered dinners. Candles are to be placed in holders on dinner tables. Candles are not to be carried when lit. Because of very limited fire escape routes, there is an absolute limit on the capacity of the Dome Room as set by the State Fire Marshal in conjunction with the University Safety Officer. For catered dinners, the maximum occupancy is 105 persons. For lectures, meetings, and similar functions, the maximum capacity is 140 persons.
  • CATERING -- University Dining Services must provide and serve food and beverages for all Rotunda events.
  • SPECIAL EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS REQUIREMENTS -- Furnishings, tables, chairs, and heavy equipment will be moved only by qualified University employees trained to do this without hazard to floors, walls, stairs, and other furnishings. Heavy equipment such as pianos (except for lightweight electronic models and harpsichords) are not to be taken to the Dome Room.
  • RESPONSIBILITY OF USERS -- Users will be required to agree in advance to pay for any damage done to the Rotunda as a consequence of their event. Users will also be responsible to avoid disturbing other users who may be assigned to other rooms in the Rotunda.
  • VISITORS -- During the time the Rotunda is open to the public (usually 9 a.m. until 4:45 p.m.), Dome Room events will not normally be closed to the public. The oval rooms, if reserved, may be used for meetings to which the public is not invited. The public is not invited into the Rotunda after the normal closing hours.
  • STUDENTS WISHING TO STUDY IN THE ROTUNDA -- Students are encouraged to use the alcoves in the Dome Room for study whenever the room is available during normal hours of operation, subject to normal regulation by the Rotunda Administrator.
  • LUNCHEONS -- Except for official University-wide functions, the Dome Room will not be used for luncheons. Luncheons may be scheduled in the Lower West Oval Room.
  • FREQUENCY OF USE (DOME ROOM) -- The Dome Room may be used for dinners no more than three times a week, and on an annual average of no more than ten times each month.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL -- The columns, curved woodwork, and some of the antique furnishings require rigid humidity control. Even brief deviations from the specified humidity levels cause cracking and in some cases rapid deterioration. The Rotunda is equipped with an elaborate system for maintaining optimum temperature and humidity levels in all seasons. The system requires that all windows be kept tightly closed, and that all doors except the lower level entrance doors be kept closed. The glass doors overlooking the South portico should also be kept closed.