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How do you like the music, Mrs. P.?” asked her
neighbor of the old lady, as she stood listening to the
Germania band, one evening on the common, and beating
time on the cover of her snuff-box.

“Beautiful!” replied she, enraptured, “oncommon
beautiful! It seems almost like the music of the syrups.
I think the Geranium band the sweetest of any of 'em.
Can you tell me,” said she, in a big whisper, “which
is Mr. Bergamot?”

The name of Bergamot was associated with her rappee
and hence her solicitude.

She was told that Mr. Bergman belonged to the
Germania Society, and that the leader of the Germania
Serenaders was Mr. Schnapp.

A smile lit up her face, revealed in the declining
twilight, as she asked if he was akin to Mr. Aromatic
Schnapps, the gentleman that imported so much gin.
Her ear was arrested by the strains of the music, and
the black bonnet waved in unison with a waltzing measure,
as Isaac sat upon the grass in contemplation of a
dog's tail before him, wondering what the effect would
be if he should stick a pin in it.