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The Daily Progress historical and industrial magazine

Charlottesville, Virginia, "The Athens of the South"
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Mrs. M. C. Fuller.



Page 35

Mrs. M. C. Fuller.

One of the most noted establishments
of its kind in the city is the
millinery business transacted by Mrs.
M. C. Fuller at 303 East Main Street.
She is undoubtedly a leader in her
line both as to the quality of the goods

and the up-to-dateness of the styles.
Here may be found all the latest creations
that are in vogue in ladies' and
children's headwear, both trimmed and
untrimmed. Mrs. Fuller is a practical
milliner of wide experience who is constantly
in touch with all the great designers,
who keep her informed from
time to time upon the latest styles in
the ultra fashionable world. Mrs. Fuller
numbers among her patrons many
of the leading and most aristocratic
ladies of Albemarle County, and her
trade continues to expand in all directions.
The business was inaugurated in
1901 and through the indomitable perseverence,
true American grit and energy
of the proprietress the enterprise
has been a continued success until today,
when it can proudly boast of being
able to stand as the peer of its kind
in this section of Virginia. The emporium
is neatly fitted up, and every foot
is judiciously utilized for the display
of the large, handsome and tempting
assortment. Not only do the goods
here equal in quality and exquisite
beauty, but also are offered at phenomonally
moderate prices. The advantages
gained by Mrs. Fuller in purchasing
the best goods on cash terms
are shared with her patrons to the
mutual profit and pleasure of both.