University of Virginia Library

James Gunnell.

Mr. James Gunnell has been established
here since 1900. From the very
start Mr. Gunnell's business has continued
to grow and increase until today
when he now contracts ninety
per cent. of all the trucking transacted
in this vicinity. Light and heavy
transferring of every description is done
with care, quickness and dispatch.
There is nothing too large or small, a
specialty however is made of moving
pianos and fine furniture and none
but the most skilled and sober hands
are employed to do the work. Mr.
Gunnell is known as an honest and
capable man whose terms are always
just and reasonable. Mr. Gunnell is a
native of Fluvanna County, and was
born in 1870. He began life as a poor,
penniless boy, but being possessed of
plenty of indomitable pluck and
courage he faced the world bravely
and today finds him a man well to do
financially. In fraternal circles he is
a prominent member of the Knights
of Pythias, Odd Fellows, and Council
208 Order of St. Luke. He is also a
member of the Ebenezer Church of
which he is a trustee, and has been its
Sunday-school Superintendent since
1898. Orders for Mr. Gunnell may be
left at Brown's drug store 429 East
Main street. His telephone numbers
are 7 and 85. Ring him up.