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The Daily Progress historical and industrial magazine

Charlottesville, Virginia, "The Athens of the South"
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W. S. Wilkins & Co.


W. S. Wilkins & Co.

Wines and liquors are conceded by
the most eminent physicians to be the
greatest stimulants to health and
strength when used in moderation, and
of the dealers engaged in this branch
of mercantile business the firm of W.
S. Wilkins & Company is first and
foremost. The store of this enterprising
concern is located at 121 West
Main street, and is fitted in a most
handsome and artistic manner. It is
quite commodious having 3,850 square
feet of floor space, and containing as
fine an assortment of wines, liquors,
beers, cigars and tobacco as can be
found in the entire South. The front
part of the building is devoted to the
cigar and tobacco department and the
sale of jug and bottled goods for medicinal
and family use. Adjoining this,
in the rear, is a handsome bar where
the finest whiskies, beers, both bottled
and draft, and fancy drinks are dispensed
by the best mixers in the
South. The counters are of walnut
and handsomely carved and trimmed,
while the sideboard is surmounted by
a large and handsome French bevelled
mirror. This bar is for the exclusive
use of the white patrons, while the
colored custom is waited on in a bar
equally as fine and commodious in
the rear of the one used by the white
people. All brands of whiskies and
champagnes are carried, and the firm
controls an excellent patronage. The
partners are Messers. W. S. Wilkins
and M. F. Eddins, and two more enterprising
or popular men are not to
be found in the old Dominion. Mr.
Wilkins is a native of this place, his
business standing less than forty yards
from where he first saw the light of
day. He was educated here, and after
leaving school entered the grocery
business. In 1890 he opened an establishment
of his own, but six years later
sold it out and in 1896 formed the
present company. He is well known
fraternally being an Elk and a member
of the Patriotic Order of Sons of
America. Mr. Eddins was born in
Albemarle County, and has been in
the liquor business since leaving school,
having conducted a place at Earleysville
for some years. He came to this city
in 1886 and opened a place here operating
it until the organization of the
present firm. He is a member of the
Patriotic Order Sons of America.


Wilkins & Co.'s Fine Wine Rooms.