University of Virginia Library


[Asterisks indicate electives—for explanation see p. 181.]



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First Year.
First Term. 
per week 
Study of Cases—Legal Bibliography—Briefmaking  18 
Agency (begun) 
Contracts  52 
4*  Public Speaking (begun)  26 
Criminal Law  26 
Second Term. 
Torts  40 
2a  Agency (completed)  20 
7*  Master and Servant  14 
4a*  Public Speaking (completed) 
Sales  20 
Third Term. 
Negotiable Paper  20 
10*  International Law  20 
11*  Carriers and Bailments  30 
12*  Interest and Usury  10 
13  Domestic Relations  20 
Second Year. 
First Term. 
14  Equity Jurisprudence  36 
15  Equity Procedure  16 
16  Constitutional Law  39 
17  Partnership  13 
18  Common Law Pleading  26 
21  Federal Procedure (begun)  10 
Second Term. 
19  Private Corporations  30 
20  Real Property—including Wills and Mortgages
21a  Federal Procedure (completed)  20 
22*  Insurance  20 
Third Term. 
23  Public Corporations  20 
24*  Virginia Pleading and Practice (including
Extraordinary Remedies) 
20a  Real Property (completed)  40 
26*  Code Pleading  20 
27*  Parliamentary Law  10 
28*  Bankruptcy  12 
Third Year. 
First Term. 
29*  Making and Interpretation of Statutes  14 
30*  Constitution and Code of Virginia  15 
31*  Criminal Procedure  24 
32*  Taxation and Tax Titles  19 
33*  Roman Law  20 
34  Titles and Conveyancing  16 
35*  Mining and Irrigation  10 
Second Term. 
36*  Judicial Sales  10 
37  Evidence (begun)  20 
38  Conflict of Laws and Jurisdictions  30 
39  Probate and Administration  20 
40*  Damages  10 
41*  Admiralty  10 
Third Term. 
42*  Practice of Law and Preparation of Cases  10 
43*  Receiverships  10 
37a  Evidence (completed)  20 
44*  Public Officers  10 
45*  Suretyship and Guaranty  13 
46  Legal Ethics