University of Virginia Library

To the Countess of Dorset walking in a Garden.

Yes I did stubernly believe
The place no added Beauty cou'd receive
'Till bright Dorinda's passing by
Convinc'd my Infidelity.
Where e'er She came new Glories fell
The dullest Plant grew Sensible
Its willing branches every Tree
By grateful instinct spread
And round the fair Divinity
Cast the glad shade of its protecting head.


The opening Flowers where e'er She went
Diffus'd their tributary scent
Crowding beneath her beauteous feet
Officiously they bow'd
With pleas'd Humility to meet
The fresher beauties of their sacred Load.
Nature seem'd to serve and woo
As she wou'd make her Queen of Seasons too
The Sun for her prolongu'd the Day
Kindly stop'd his setting light
She went, that only cou'd engage his stay
And all was gloomy, all was Night.
Ah shou'd the God returning show
The wonders he has seen below
The amazing Truth his am'rous Sire wou'd move
Make him confess
His Thunder less
Then are the Shafts of Love
Descending his transform'd Divinity
He'd to your bosom pour
And Poets once might hope to see
An other Golden Shower.