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Applied Mathematics 4. [Thornton, 9.]

FIRST TERM.—Kinematics. General Principles of Dynamics.

SECOND TERM.—Statics. Dynamics of a Particle.

THIRD TERM.—Dynamics of a Rigid Body.

Chemistry 2. [Mallet, 3.]

FIRST TERM.—Industrial Chemistry of the Metals.

SECOND TERM.—Building Materials and Explosives.

THIRD TERM.—Fuels, Paints, Oils, Dyes, etc.

Geology 2. [Fontaine, IX.] Required for E. M.

FIRST TERM.—Crystallography; Descriptive Mineralogy.

SECOND TERM.—Stratigraphic Geology. Lithology.

THIRD TERM.—Paleontology. Field Geology.

Civil Engineering 2. [Newcomb, XI.] Required for C. E.

FIRST TERM.—Masonry Construction.

SECOND TERM.—Waterworks and Sewers.

THIRD TERM.—Roads, Streets, and Pavements.

Mechanical Engineering 2. [McKergow, I.] Required for M. E.

FIRST TERM.—Hydraulic Machinery.

SECOND TERM.—Mechanical Power Plants.

THIRD TERM.—Locomotive Engineering.

Electrical Engineering 2. [Holladay, XI.] Required for E. E.

FIRST TERM.—A. C. Generators and Transformers.

SECOND TERM.—A. C. Phenomena; Induction Motors.

THIRD TERM.—Electrical Power Plants; Photometry.

Mining Engineering. [Thornton, I.] Required for E. M.

FIRST TERM.—Exploitation of Mines.

SECOND TERM.—Mining Machinery.

THIRD TERM.—Electricity in Mining.

Thesis Work.

Every candidate for a degree in Engineering will be required at
the beginning of his graduating year to submit to the Dean some subject
for independent study suited to the student's especial course and aims.
After such subject has been approved by the Dean and the Professor


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in charge, the student will be expected to carry out for himself the necessary
literary and laboratory researches and to present his results in the
form of a thesis. Such thesis must be typewritten on standard sheets,
bound in a proper cover, and handed in for final approval not later than
May 25th. All necessary computations and drawings must accompany the
thesis. Serious weight will be given to this work in estimating the
student's fitness for graduation.