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Together with Poems occasional, Elegies, Epigrams, Satyrs. By Robert Heath

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On Clarastella's Picture drawn very like her.
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On Clarastella's Picture drawn very like her.

Fair shadow of a fairer substance! when
Thy lively second self I see,
Nature doth blush that by Arts pow'rful pen
Stella agen create should bee.
See where She all identifi'd appears
Except that soul we cannot see!
Whilst this, her eys, forme, shape, and colour wears,
And 'cud it breath, w'ud say 'twere She.
Bright Image of my Saint! to thee I'd bow,
Were it not flat Idolatrie,
To think thoult hear what scarce deaf she wil do,
In hope thy lips can answer, I.
Yet will I make this holy use of thee:
The looking oft on thee may mind
Me of that more respectfull Deitie
That to my prai'rs may be enclin'd.