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  • 1. What of the renewed interest in Virginia?

  • 2. For what purpose were the London and Plymouth Companies

  • 3. What parts of Virginia were given to each company?

  • 4. By whom was the charter for the London Company signed?

  • 5. What were the chief provisions of this charter?

  • 6. Give an account of the pioneers of Virginia.

  • 7. Name those who possessed qualities of leaders.

  • 8. In what year did they leave England?

  • 9. What interest was shown in their expedition?

  • 10. Give the names of the three ships in which they embarked? By
    whom were they commanded?

  • 11. Give an account of their voyage.

  • 12. When did they reach the Chesapeake Bay?

  • 13. After whom were the capes Charles and Henry named?

  • 14. What name did they give the river they entered?

  • 15. Who constituted the first Virginia Council?

  • 16. Why was John Smith at first excluded?

  • 17. What is said of their explorations?

  • 18. How did the colonists give the peninsula the appearance of a settled

  • 19. What happened towards the end of May?