University of Virginia Library


The following resolution was adopted:

  • RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the gift of $1,000,000 offered to the University on 29 October 1969 by the William R. Kenan, Jr.-Charitable Trust be and it is hereby accepted with profound gratitude; that the principal of the gift be invested with the permanent endowment of the University; and that all income from the gift be used to establish and maintain in perpetuity professorships of such eminence and distinction as to bring honor and respect to the memory of William Rand Kenan, Jr., with whose name they shall be forever associated;
  • RESOLVED FURTHER that the William R. Kenan Professorships be and they are hereby established; that they shall be supported by all of the income from this $1,000,000 gift; and that under the terms of the gift, the income will be matched by funds provided by the Commonwealth of Virginia for the purpose of attracting and retaining eminent scholars under its Eminent Scholars Program.
  • RESOLVED FURTHER that the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professors shall be scholars whose enthusiasm for learning, commitment to teaching, and personal interest in students will make a notable contribution to the undergraduate community of the University; that it shall be within the province of the University to select the professors and the departments in which the income is to be used; that the University shall have discretion to make changes from time to time in the selection of professors and departments; and that the President shall in 1975 and at the end of each five years thereafter report to the Kenan Trustees upon the condition of the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professorships, with suitable comment upon the educational benefits deriving from the gift establishing them;
  • AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary is hereby directed to transmit to the Trustees of the William R. Kenan, Jr.-Charitable Trust a copy of this resolution, as evidence both of our corporate and individual gratitude for their wise and farseeing investment in great teaching and scholarship and of our commitment to the purposes of their grant.