University of Virginia Library

While Henry the Third, dull, contemned, and forsaken,
Sat stupidly silent, regaling on Bacon,
The First of the Edwards charmed Arthur with tales
Of fighting in Palestine, Scotland, and Wales;


But Merlin asserted his angry regards,
Recollecting how Edward had treated the Bards.
The Second, whose days in affliction had run,
Sat pensive and sad 'twixt his father and son.
But on the Third Edward resplendently glance
The blazons of knighthood, and trophies of France;
Beside him his son in black armour appears,
That yet bears the marks of the field of Poictiers.

Henry III. of Winchester.

A weak and foolish king, in whose reign lived Friar Bacon.

Edward I. Longshanks.

Gained many victories.

Massacred the Welch Bards.

Edward II. of Caernarvon.

Murdered by his wife's knowledge in Berkeley Castle.

Edward III.

Conquered France in conjunction with his son, the Black Prince.

The Battle of Poictiers.