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Jefferson's fine arts library

his selections for the University of Virginia, together with his own architectural books
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122. Vasari, Giorgio.

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Page 359

122. Vasari, Giorgio.

Vol. I. DELLE VITE / De' più Eccellenti / PITTORI, SCVLTORI,
/ ET ARCHITETTI. / DI GIORGIO VASARI / Pittore, & Architetto,
Aretino. / PARTE PRIMA, E SECONDA. / In questa nuoua edizione
diligentemente reuiste, ricoret-/te, accresciute d'alcuni Ritratti, & arricchite
/ di postille nel margine.
/ Per gli Eredi di Euangelista Dozza. Con licenza de' Superiori.

4to. Half title (1 leaf); title page (1 leaf); dedication (1 leaf); table of
contents (1 leaf); editor's note (3 unnumbered pp.); poems (5 unnumbered
pp.); text (1-432).

Vol. II. DELLE VITE / . . . / PARTE TERZA / Secondo Volume.
/ In questa nuoua edizione diligentemente corrette, accresciute d'alcuni /
Ritratti, e postille nel margine, con nuoua aggiunta.
Presso gli Heredi di Euangelista Dozza. M.DC.LXIII. / Con licenza

4to. Half title (1 leaf); title page (1 leaf); note on Vasari (3 unnumbered
pp.); table of contents (1 unnumbered p.); letter from Marcello
Adriani to Vasari (18 leaves); text (1-407); license ([408]); index (66

Vol. III. DELLE VITE / . . . / PARTE TERZA / Primo Volume. /
. . .

4to. Half title (1 leaf); title page ([1]); preface (3-6); [new pagination:]
table of contents (5-6); text (7-543).

The Parte Terza, Secondo Volume, is misbound in Vol. II, while
the Parte Terza, Primo Volume, is misbound in Vol. III. All through the
volumes there is a series of woodcut portraits of the artists at the head of
each biography.

Giorgio Vasari (1511-74) studied painting in Florence with Andrea del
Sarto, Baccio Bandinelli, G. B. Rosso, and Francesco Salvaiti. He went
to Rome in 1531 with Cardinal Ippolito de Medici. While there he
studied the works of Michelangelo and became one of his acquaintances.

Vasari decided to write Le vite in 1546 and a first edition was issued
in 1550. The title above was given to the 1568 edition. The work has
gone through innumerable editions in many languages during the intervening


Page 360

Sowerby notes that Jefferson, in a letter of August 28, 1814, mentions
Vasari in a discussion of the copies of portraits of Columbus and
Vespuccius at Monticello.

This edition, which is both the one Jefferson sold to Congress and
the one he ordered for the University in the section on "Gardening.
Painting. Sculpture. Music" of the want list, has its dedication signed by
Carlo Menolessi. There is no record of Jefferson's order for the University
having been filled, but a duplicate of the set has been recently
acquired, the gift of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation.

U. Va.



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