University of Virginia Library


But a tumult more furious called Arthur to check it,
'Twixt Henry the Second and Thomas-a-Becket.
“Turn out,” exclaimed Arthur, “that prelate so free,
And from the first rock see him thrown in the sea.”
So they hustled out Becket without judge or jury,
Who quickly returned in a terrible fury.
The lords were enraged, and the ladies affrighted;
But his head was soon cracked in the fray he excited;
When in rushed some monks in a great perturbation,
And gave good King Henry a sound flagellation;
Which so coolly he took, that the president swore,
He ne'er saw such a bigoted milk-sop before.

Henry II. Fitz-Empress.

Quarrelled with his minister, Thomas-a-Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, who was compelled to fly the country; but afterwards returning, was murdered by some followers of the king; for which Henry was forced to do penance, and was whipped by the monks at Becket's tomb.