The Successfull Straingers | ||
A Garden.Enter Carlos and Francisco.
What! turn thee out of Doors?
Ay Sir, and menac'd me with Death when next I enter'd.
I vow'd revenge which but Encreas'd his Laughter,
When he had Sworn me to Eternall Love,
And everlasting faith to Dorothea:
He render'd all my Oaths ridiculous:
Then with the very Curse which I invok'd,
If ever I prov'd treacherous to his Daughter,
He wish'd the like Destruction might seize him,
If ever more I after that beheld her.
Why let him keep his two Daughters, Like an old Lott as he is,
and multiply his Generation himself: What think'st thou Carlos of the
fair Biancha, Younger and Richer far then Dorothea, who Languishes
too for thee, and from her Infancy almost has Lov'd thee; besides Boy
thou knowst thou wert in a manner promis'd to her.
But Sir, can you so easily forget the villain.
Must all my Presents too be slighted and yet kept?
Must all—
Presents, no, I forgot that Boy; I'le make him refund, or
swear him into the Inquisition for Blasphemy.
No, Since my Love's despis'd I'le court revenge;
That's now the Mistriss of my eager Flames,
which nothing can asswage but Silvio's blood.
Blood, Boy:
Ay Blood Sir, Rivalls blood,
The precious blood that Dorothea doats on;
My wanton hands shall play in the warm Gore;
Then on her face the purple Scandall print,
And shew my Injuries in lasting Blushes.
A Rivall Boy; by the head of our Church thou hast reason, or
hold Carlos, hold, suppose now we should contrive some dreadfull Infamy;
some terrible disgrace that he may live with;
As how Sir?
Why as a punishment for his endeavouring to supplant thee in
this Ladies Quarters; we'le make an Eunuch of him: and he shall repent
in Anthems.
An Eunuch—Damn him that would make him bless'd;
Women are ne're so fond as when secur'd of pleasure
Without Scandall;
No, 'tis his heart must feed my hungry spleen,
The heart which disinherited my hopes,
And was Adopted Heir of all my wishes.
Why Murder him; and there's an end on't:
Don't stand mouthing like a Lawyer that has
Puzled his Cause, and knows not how to get clear
On't; hang him Dog, have his Throat cut, and
Encourage decay'd Trade; our Bravo's grow
Pious, the times are so bad, and go to Church
For want of Employment.
It shall be so, I'le have him set with speed,
Not but I wou'd engage with him alone,
But he that robs my Love deserves it not;
A Rivall, nay, A Heretick, those words
Here Guilds a Murder wrought by 50 Swords.
So here's a fine Feast providing for the Devil; I must have a
tugg with my old Antagonist for the 5000 Crowns his Daughter has
cost me; Ah that I could persuade this Platonical Fool, this Dorothea's
Flesh-fly, to Marry Biancha, there's a Fortune: Her Father's a Fool too,
and might easily be brought to take my Son without a Groat; damn'd
knows I am past getting of Children, or I would so penay-bind the
Rogue, he should scarce have enough to pay the Fees of his Confessour:
Children are great Plagues, not but Parents are great Rogues, tho'
sometimes I know not which are the worst:
If the Estate be by the Father Gain'd,
The Childrens duty is by hopes obtain'd
Of what he'l leave 'em: else he might be damn'd;
For when the Estate's entail'd upon the Son,
There's no respect to Parents, 'tis his own,
Scorns 'em on Earth, and laughs at 'em when gone:
So one 'gainst the other may exclaim each hour,
But both of 'em are Rascalls in their Power.
The Successfull Straingers | ||