University of Virginia Library


Claimer of the “right of ages,”
Poring over “deeds” unroll'd!
Turn to the historic pages
Where ancestral worth is told.
Read how feudal landlords render'd
Homage for their acres' yield,
By continual service, tender'd
Both in council and in field.


How they, maugre brutal wassails
And rude crimes scarce mention'd now,
Arm'd and led their warrior vassals,
Fed the holder of the plough;
How they did rule, if unkindly,
Those below them; how they own'd
Duty to the State, though blindly
Paid to any chance-enthroned.
One by one your several burdens
On our shoulders you have laid;
Yet you beg the olden guerdons,
Olden services unpaid.
Feed us, but in famine season!
Bear the charges of your wars!
Give the starved—at least a reason!
Show us, Chief! your noble scars.
Claimer of the “right of ages”!
Nought for nought is oldest law:
Work is elder-born than Wages,
Though your blood have scarce a flaw.
Base descendant of the Landed,
Heir of only ancient greed,
Empty-headed, robber-handed!
Labour tears thy title-deed.