University of Virginia Library



In youth's cheerful season, the morning of life,
Unclouded with care and untroubled with strife,
In dreams of amusement the night fleets away,
And pleasure's gay sunshine illumines the day.
Tho' frail are the notions of joys ever new,
The paths of discretion take heed to pursue;
So time's fruitful harvest shall ne'er know decrease,
And Virtue shall lead you to honour and peace.

It is not generally understood, that the character of Harlequin is conceived in the style of burlesque allegory, designed by the Italians in ridicule of Charles V. (Carlo Quinto) from whom it derives its name.—There is no particular authority for the appellation here assigned to his sword, &c. tho' perfectly conformable to the usage of the times of Chivalry and Romance.