University of Virginia Library

Now folowis in þis processe,
how þat sante paul conuertit was,
þat conuertit þe sammyn ȝere


þat criste tholit for ws here,
and þat sammyne ȝere with-all
þat stewene stanit ded can fall.
bot criste tholit of fre will
þe aucht kalente of Aprill.
þe thred day of august þat ȝer
sante stewene wes slane without wer.
of februare þe aucht kalend,
or þat ȝere come till hend,
god of his grace conuertit sawle,
and [mad] of hyme þe prechour paule.
and þir ar resonis thre, for quhy
haly kirk now commonly
of his conuersione mais feste.
and low þe firste, þat is nocht leste,
þat na mane for grewous syne
sal disparit be pardone to wyne,
considerande quhou þat paul was
gilty, and ȝet wane goddis grace.
þe tothir is, þe grete blythnese
kirk had efter sorowfulnese,
as he, þat firste wes cristis fa,
and in thra will his men can sla,
become to þame sic frend, þat he
for þame dred nocht for to de,
na lewit nocht for manis blame
to preche of criste þe haly name.
þar-for, quhow he conuertit wes
I sall tell her, mare na les.
quhene Iowis mad þame bowne
To dinge sante stewyn with stanis done,
þar clathis by paulis fet kest þay.
Ȝet stewene for þame euir can pray,
bot it mowcht nocht on þame lycht
for þar gret wikitnese and plycht.


Ȝet wald nocht god his prayer
war in wane in þat sythtware,
bot þe meryt of It gerte he
In felone paule translatit be;
for he schupe þam all to schame,
þat euir trowit in cristis name,
for-þi he sped hym rycht gud spede
to þe preste of þar presthede,
and purc[h]aste lettris, and can pase
to þe gret cite of damase,
to sper gyf he ony þar
mycht fynd, þat in criste trowand war,
to bring þame to Ierusalem
faste bundyn, wemene and mene,
martirdome to thole þare,
for þai trewit in sic lare.