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When Gij herd þat tiding,
For ioie his hert gan to spring;
At hir he tok leue anon,
In-to the castel he gan to gon;
Al so swiþe as he it miȝt do,
In-to the court he gan to go:
Of euerich day him þought ten
Fort he seye his lemen.
& when he feld him hole & fere,
He went to court wiþ glad chere;
Michel ioie wiþ him þai made,
& alle þai wer bliþe & glade.
To þerl þan went Gij,
& gret þat kniȝt hardi,
& seyd, ‘sir, þine armes ich ax;
Ȝif ich am þer to y-wax,
Ich am redi hem to fong,
& þe to serue wiþ-outen wrong.’
Þerl answerd, & seyd þo,
‘Bleþeliche, Gij, seþþe þou wilt so.’
Þerl dede anon aparaile
Gyes dobing wiþ-outen feyle;
Wel richelich he dubbed Gij,
& wiþ him felawes tventi,
Þat al barouns sones were
(For Gyes loue he dubbed hem þere),
Þat wiþ þerl Rohaud hadde ben long,
In his seruise armes to vnder-fong.