University of Virginia Library


Ms. Dorsey, the Chair, reported on the meeting of the Committee held on January 19th.

Subsequent to the January meeting of the Committee, which is to say at the end of registration for the second semester, there were significant problems with ISIS, the computer system used for a range of matters concerning students, particularly class information and registration. Ms. Dorsey asked Dr. Reynolds, Vice President and Chief Information Officer, to report.

Dr. Reynolds said the system was set up in the 1980s for use by Admissions and other offices; it was not initially intended for general use by students. Parts of the system are outmoded and some are working beyond capacity. He then described efforts that are being undertaken to rectify the system in light of the recent problems. One solution is to replace the system, but that would be four years off. Consultants have been retained to devise interim solutions.

The Chair asked Dr. Reynolds and Mr. Sandridge to do everything possible to avoid a repetition of the problems in January.


Reacting to an accident a few days earlier, which involved a student pedestrian being struck and injured while crossing Emmet Street, the Chair asked Mr. Sandridge to comment on pedestrian safety measures in place on the Grounds or planned. Mr. Gibson, the Acting Chief of the University Police, also commented.

Mr. Diamonstein, who has been particularly interested in pedestrian safety, suggested that a survey be made of other universities to find out what they are doing in this regard.

The Chair suggested that work on some of these measures be reported in future meetings of the Buildings and Grounds Committee.