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The degree of Bachelor of Science in a Special Subject will be conferred
upon regular students who have completed not less than 60 session-hours
of undergraduate courses, taken in conformity with the following

(1) Required Subjects: Candidates must complete 30 session-hours of
required subjects as stated below, not less than 24 hours of which must be
taken during the first two years, and the remaining 6 not later than the third

Foreign Languages: 6 session-hours, of which 3 must be in French and
3 in German.

Mathematics: 6 session-hours.[1]

Natural Science: 12 session-hours in 2 subjects.

English: 6 session-hours, of which 3 must be in English B6.

Physical Education: Two years' course required of all candidates, which
must be completed during the first two years.

A candidate entering with advanced standing or with college credit, shall
in his first, and, if necessary, continuously in subsequent sessions, take such
courses as are necessary to complete the requirements for the first and second

(2) Major-Electives: 30 session-hours. At least two years before the
date of graduation,
the candidate must select one of the schools of the Natural
or Mathematical Sciences as his Major School, and during the remainder of
his candidacy must pursue work in that School, with such other courses as
shall be prescribed by the professor or professors in charge of his Major
School and approved by the Academic Faculty.


First Year: Chemistry B1, Mathematics A2, French A1, English A1,
Physical Education begun: Total 15 session-hours.


Page 257

Second Year: Chemistry B2, Mathematics B2, Physics B1, German A1,
Physical Education completed: Total, 18 session-hours.

Third Year: Chemistry B3, Chemistry C3, English B6: Total, 15 session-hours.

Fourth Year: Chemistry B4, Electives: 12 session-hours to be selected
with the advice of the faculty of the School of Chemistry.

Applicants for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemistry are required
to file applications for this degree with the Secretary of the School of
Chemistry not later than one year before the degree is to be conferred.


The degree of Bachelor of Science in Architecture will be conferred upon
regular students who have completed not less than 60 session-hours of
undergraduate courses, taken in conformity with the program which follows:

First Year: English A1, Mathematics A1, Freehand Drawing A1 and
A2, History B1 or B2, Architectural Drawing A1.

Second Year: Architecture B1, Architectural Construction B1, Freehand
Drawing B1, French A1, History of Art B1.

Third Year: Architecture B2, Architectural Construction B2, Freehand
Drawing and Color B2, French B1, History of Art B2.

Fourth Year: Architecture B3, Architectural Construction B3, History of
Art B3. An Elective of 3 session-hours is to be selected with advice of the
faculty of the School of Architecture.

Physical Education.—Two years' course required of all candidates, which must
be completed during the first two years.

The degree of Master of Science, with a major in Architecture, will be
conferred according to requirements for degrees as stated in the Department of
Graduate Studies. The candidate's Major Subject must be Architectural Design
and the Minor Subject Freehand Drawing or Archeology.

The degree of Master of Architecture is also offered by Harvard University
to the student with a degree of B.S. in Architecture from the University of
Virginia, who completes the two-year course as outlined below.

(Harvard): Architecture 4a and a part of 4b (Advanced design), Architecture
3b (Life drawing), Architecture 1b (Modern Architecture), Architecture
6ab (Modeling), Architecture 5b (Structural design), Architecture 8.

(Harvard): Architecture 5c (Advanced structural design), Architecture 9
(Contracts and Specifications), Architecture 10ab (Theory of Architecture), two
historic problems, two construction problems, thesis.

Additional information in regard to the degree of Master of Architecture
may be had upon application to Dean G. H. Edgell, the School of Architecture,
Harvard University.


Page 258


The degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce will be conferred upon
regular students who have completed not less than 60 session-hours of undergraduate
courses, taken in conformity with the following program:

(1) Required Subjects.—Candidates for the Bachelor of Science in Commerce
must take 30 session-hours of required subjects as stated below, not less
than 24 hours of which must be taken during the first two years.

Foreign Languages.—6 session-hours from one of the following languages:
French, German, Spanish or Italian.

Mathematics.—3 session-hours in Mathematics A4.

Natural Science.—6 session-hours.

English.—6 session-hours, 3 of which shall be in English A1 or A2.

Social Science.—9 session-hours in History B2 or B3, Government B1 and
Economics B1.

Physical Education.—Two years' course required of all candidates, which must
be completed during the first two years.

(2) Major-Electives.—Of the remaining 30 session-hours required for
the degree, 24 session-hours must be taken from commercial subjects in the
Schools of Economics and Commerce and Business Administration, 18 session-hours
of which shall include the following courses: Economic Geography B1,
Commercial Law B1, Economics B2, Economics B3, Economics B4 and Economics
B5. An additional B course, and one C course must be taken in commercial
subjects. The remaining 6 session-hours may be elected from any courses in the
academic schools for which the candidate has adequate preparation.

(3) Substitutions for Major-Electives.—Candidates for the degree of
B.S. in Commerce will be permitted to substitute the first-year course in Law for
12 session-hours from the group of Major-Electives. Such substitution, however,
must include the 6 session-hours of general electives, the remaining 6 session-hours
to be designated by the faculty of the Schools of Economics and


First Year: French, German, Spanish or Italian A, Mathematics A4, English
A, Geology B1 or Chemistry B1, Physical Education begun: Total, 15

Second Year: French, German, Spanish or Italian B, Economics B1, Economics
B4, Economic Geography B1, English B, Physical Education completed:
Total, 15 session-hours.

Third Year: Economics B2, Economics B3, History B2 or B3, Commercial
Law B1, and one general elective course: Total, 15 session-hours.


Page 259

Fourth Year: Economics B5, one additional B course in Economics, Government
B1, a C course in Economics, and one general elective course: Total,
15 session-hours.


Students applying for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Biology may substitute
Biology C1 for 3 hours of Mathematics; students applying for the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Geology may be permitted, at the discretion of the professor of Geology, to
substitute Astronomy B1 for 3 hours of Mathematics.