University of Virginia Library


A Sonnet.

[They say Loue sware, he neuer would be frend]

They say Loue sware, he neuer would be frend,
If mortall Iealousie were not in place:
And Beautie neuer be in any face,
Vnlesse that Pride did on her thought attend:
These are two hags, which hideous hell doth send,
Our sweete content to trouble, and disgrace:


The one the ioy of loue to paine doth chace,
The other pitie from the hart defend.
Beautie and Loue were both for sworne, by mee
And thee, by making my vnsure estate
In ioy and happinesse so fortunate:
Bicause since first thy figure I did see
Being so Faire, yet Prouder wast thou neuer
Nor I in Loue, that could be Iealous euer.