University of Virginia Library

H. Balz & Sons.

Nothing is more delightful or palatable
than fine pastries, confections
and breads, and first and foremost in
that line in our city is the bakery and
store of H. Balz & Sons. This concern
occupies a handsome and roomey
structure at No. 225 East Main street.
A fine stock of goods comprising, pies,
pastries, cakes, candies, fruits, nuts
etc., is carried. In the confection
line a speciality is made of Huylers
and Apollo candies, two of the most
renouned brands manufactured. In the
rear of this is the bakery, which is fitted
with all the most modern and up-todate
appliances a number of expert
bakers and pastry makers are employed,
and the quality of the goods are unsurpassed.
Adjoining the store is the ice
cream factory and in creams the firm enjoys
a wide trade and reputation for the
splendid quality of the goods and the

trade in this branch extends over the
entire South. The business was established
by the late Mr. H. Balz, father
of the present owners and conducted
by him until his death five years ago.
The proprietors now are W. H. and
E. A. Balz. The former was born in
this city and has direct charge of the
business. He is one of the most enterprising
young men in Charlottesville
and is an expert on high grade confections.
Mr. E. A. Balz is also a native
of this city. Aside from his interest
described here he is cashier for the
Chesapeake & Ohio road at this point.
Like his brother he has good business
abilities, and is a young man of sterling
character. He is an Elk and member
of the Fire Department. Both are
well liked and stand high in business
and social circles.