University of Virginia Library

An Imitation of Uxor vade foras. In Mart. l. ii. Ep. 105.


Sweet Spouse, you must presently troop and be gone,
(Or fairly submit to your betters;)
Unless for the Faults that are past, you attone,
I must knock off my Conjugal Fetters.


When at Night I am paying the Tribute of Love,
(You know well enough what's my Meaning,)
You scorn to assist my Devotion, or move,
As if all the while you were dreaming.


At Cribbage and Put, and All Fours I have seen
A Porter more Passion expressing,
Than thou, wicked Kate, in the rapturous Scene,
And the Height of the amorous Blessing.



Then say I to my self, is my Wife made of Stone,
Or does the old Serpent possess her;
Better Motion and Vigor by far might he shown
By dull Spouse of a German Professor?


So Kate take Advice, and reform in good Time,
And while I'm performing my Duty,
Come in for your Club, and repent of the Crime
Of paying all Scores with your Beauty,


All day thou mayst cant, and look grave as a Nun,
And run after Burgess the surly;
Or see that the Family business be done,
And chide all thy Servants demurely.


But when you're in Bed with your Master and King,
That Tales out of School ne're does trumpet,
Move, riggle, heave, pant, clip me round like a Ring,
In short, be as lewd as a Strumpet.