University of Virginia Library

W. H. Greaver.

The markets are today being flooded
with adulterated food stuffs, and in
order to keep his stock free from this
inferior grade of goods a grocer must
be thoroughly posted and extra careful
in the buying of stock. A dealer in
this city whose goods can be relied
upon to be of the highest and purest

grades is Mr. W. H. Greaver whose
establishment is located at 219 and 221
West Main street. In his stock Mr.
Greaver carries a complete assortment
of the finest staple and fancy groceries,
meats, country produce, cigars and
tobaccoes, confections, fruits, etc. He
also sells the famous Brunswick Lithia
Water, one of the most famous table
beverages in this section. Everything
about the store looks clean and pure,
and the stock is arranged in such a
manner as to lend a most inviting

W. H. Greaver.

appearance. Mr. Greaver, while handling
only a high class of goods, sells at
prices so reasonable as to be within
the reach of all, and by his exceptionally
high standard of business methods
has won a splendid custom which he
is increasing steadily. Mr. Greaver
was born in Augusta County, Virginia,
and was educated there. He entered
the mechanical line and engaged in
this for a time, but later entered the
employ of the C. and O. railroad in
the capacity of a conductor and continued
in that line for nineteen years.
He moved to this city in 1884 and six
years ago resigned his position on the
road and started his present enterprise.
His success was immediate and today
he is a leader in his line. In fraternal
circles Mr. Greaver is quite prominent
being a member of the Odd Fellows
and the higher branches of that order,
the Encampment and Rebekas and
also belongs to the Maccabees.

Many toll-gates were formely conducted
in Albemarle county. The
first gate west of town was immediately
opposite the large oak tree on Jesse
Lewis' place under which General
George Washington is said once to
have lunced. It was blown down in
September 1896.