University of Virginia Library

The 63d Epigram in Martial, Lib. 3.

Cotile, Bellus homo es, &c.

Oh Jemmy you're a Beau: not I alone
Say this, but 'tis the talk of all the Town.
Prithee be free, and to thy Friend impart
What is a Beau—Ay Sir, with all my Heart.
He's one, who nicely curls and comb's his Hair,
And visits Sedgwick monthly all the Year:
Sings baudy Songs, and humms them, as along
Flanting he walks thro' the admiring Throng;
All the Day long fits with the charming Fair,
And whispers pretty Stories in their Ear.
Writes Billets doux; shuns all Men as he goes,
Lest their unhallow'd Touch shou'd dawb his Cloaths.
He knows your Mistress: Nay, at every Feast
He'll tell the Pedigree of every Guest.
Is this a Beau? Faith Jemmy, I'll be plain,
A Beau's a Bawble, destitute of Brain.