University of Virginia Library


Good-by! good-by!” the driver said,
As the coach went off in a whirl
(And the coachman bowed his handsome head);
“Be good to yourself,—my girl!”
Ah! many a fond good-by I 've heard,
From many an aching heart;
And many a friendly farewell word,
When strangers came to part;
And I 've heard a thousand merry quips,
And many a senseless joke,
And many a fervent prayer from lips
That all a-tremble spoke;
And many a bit of good advice
In smooth proverbial phrase;
And many a wish—of little price—
For health and happy days:
But musing how the human soul
(Whate'er the Fates may will)
Still measures by its self-control
Its greatest good or ill,—
Of benedictions, I protest,
'Mid many a shining pearl,
I like the merry coachman's best,—
“Be good to yourself,—my girl!”